Social Media Today Predictions for 2018 [Infographic]

This past year was a hot year for the social media marketing world, especially for content creators.

Video, in particular, quickly swept over all social platforms and became a main focus for many marketers. And as content production is on the rise, consumer attention spans are on a fast decline. This leaves the rest of us in a constant battle to produce relevant, high-quality, captivating content in quick snippets. That’s how short-form (10-30 second) videos have taken over social media in 2017.

That’s only one of many trends we saw sprout up in 2017, but what should we be expecting in 2018? The infographic below is a visual round-up of our 2018 social media marketing predictions:

Social Media Today Predictions for 2018 [Infographic]

Social Media Today 2018 Predictions




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