Speed up Time Machine backups by 10x on macOS High Sierra

Create on-demand Time Machine backups to cut down the wait

Shaw JJ
Aron on Unsplash

As I was in the process of migrating from my Macbook Air to the new 2018 Macbook, I had to create a Time Machine backup in order to move all my apps and content over.

Typical Time Machine backups take over a day to transfer ~300GB of data.

Entering the following in Terminal speeds it up to ~1hr:

sudo sysctl debug.lowpri_throttle_enabled=0

You’ll notice that Time Machine backup speeds will now fly. Power consumption will also increase.

After you’re finished with your “on-demand” Time Machine backup, enter the following in Terminal again:

sudo sysctl debug.lowpri_throttle_enabled=1


  1. The command works because it removes the throttle on low priority system tasks like Time Machine backups
  2. Applications running in the background will slow your Time Machine backup
  3. You might hear your Mac’s fan engage over the course of the backup
  4. You’ll be required to enter your account password

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