Starting a Successful Business from Scratch: for future millionaires

Price: $19.99

Rumors nine out of 10 businesses fail are false. But the truth is not much better. This myth has kept many potential entrepreneurs from trying to improve their finances by starting small businesses. A study of why new businesses fail led to the development of this manual. It was developed to help anyone that thought going into business was impossibie. This resource teaches the reader how to select the right business, and how to match his products and/or services with customers most likely to buy them. Thus, dramatically increasing his probability of succeeding. It fully explains how a personalized business plan should be developed and how it should be kept current, increasing the probability of business survival by four to five times as compared to someone without a written business plan. It then explains how an individual can obtain start-up funding without borrowing, grants or investors and how he can obtain money within 120 days that does not need to be repaid. This allows the would-be entrepreneur to open his business debt free, putting him ahead of 90% of people trying to start a business for the first time. It removes any reason for fear about how a person even with bad credit and no money can own a business. The training this manual offers, provides guidance on using best practices for remaining in business over the long run once the entrepreneur has opened. Many people feel the information contained in this manual can provide them with up to a twenty times higher probability of succeeding than someone trying to start a business with a poor understanding of how a business should be properly started and grown. The manual is supported by a series of websites offering information on multiple relevant topics, suggestions on the types of business one might select to increase the probability of survival, and business and tax advice prepared by the Saafenet Corporation and other contributors. Completely reading this manual should remove any doubt anyone, can start their own business and make a million dollars. This is the most complete, detailed and honest manual on the subject available today. Unlike most literature available this manual fully explains how to start and grow a bricks and clicks business without spending a dime of your own money.

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