Strong Blogging Trends for 2019

It all started with an idea to make a quick buck. “I might as well rent that spare bedroom every once in a while” or “I’m out of town this weekend, why not try to make some cash?” Now you’re loving the Airbnb life and the cash it brings in.

Why not capitalize on your adventures even more? It’s well-known that blogs can help businesses grow, but did you know they can be great for your Airbnb too?

If you have the writing bug and you want to build up your rental revenue, here’s how an Airbnb blog can help.

The Benefits of an Airbnb Blog

You’ll see articles all over the internet about how to make money as a blogger, but you can do even more by blogging about your Airbnb experiences. Here are the benefits you could enjoy.

Get More Bookings

Every business is a numbers game at some level or another, and that applies to side hustles too. Part of the battle for more bookings is to drive more traffic to your listing. A blog is a great way to do that.

If your blog is interesting, it will start getting attention. The more people read it, the more often it pops up in Google searches, bringing you even more traffic. And of course, everyone who sees your site will see links to your Airbnb listing too. All of a sudden you have more cash and less stress about paying the bills.

Legitimize Your Listing

You already know how nerve-wracking it can be to bring a stranger into your home. Renters feel the same way, never quite sure who they’re renting from. That’s especially true if they’re renting a room in the house while you’re there.

Your blog is a great way to put renters at ease. They can get a sense of who you are before they arrive, so they feel like they’re taking less of a gamble.

Just as important, your blog will show renters that you are, in fact, a real person. They’ll have no worries that you’re a nameless scammer who could leave them high and dry.

Add a Revenue Source

As much fun as it can be to meet new renters, the money is probably the main reason you use Airbnb. Why not bring in another way to make money?

In addition to bringing you more bookings, your Airbnb can be a revenue source on its own. You can sell ads, try affiliate marketing, and much more. There are plenty of ways to make money with your blog, but remember that the better your posts are, the more likely you are to bring in money.

Ideas for Your Airbnb Blog

Now that you know all the good your blog can do, there’s another big question mark: what do you blog about? Feel free to mix it up, and get started with these topic ideas.

Ask Guests to Contribute

One cool way to make your blog interesting is to tell the stories your renters have experienced during their stays. Of course, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. You don’t want to come off sounding creepy, as if you watched your guests the whole time.

If you spend time with your guests during their stay, you can blog about where you took them or what they enjoyed most. If they’ve had more solo adventures, you can ask them to jot down some of their favorite parts of the trip for your blog. They can even write the entire post if they so choose.

Whether you write the post or the guest does, make sure to respect their privacy. Never post any mention of a guest without their permission. Even if you do have their permission, be sure to change their names and don’t offer any identifying details.

Offer Tips for Fellow Hosts

Don’t assume it’s only future renters who will read your blog. You can build your audience even more by offering some content for other Airbnb hosts too. In fact, one of the biggest blogging mistakes is writing for too narrow of an audience.

Put your expertise to use and offer tips for hosts. Suggest ways to advertise their Airbnb or ways to get more bookings. Talk about the amenities your guests have enjoyed the most. Create an Airbnb checklist for beginners.

Some of these hosts could become guests themselves if they come to your hometown. Even if they don’t the traffic they provide will help your blog grow even more.

Suggest Local Activities

As an Airbnb host in your hometown, you make money off tourism to the area. Why not try to promote it on your blog?

Post about some of your guests’ favorite attractions in the area. Offer suggestions for your favorite local restaurants. You can even do this in a hyperlocal way, talking up the restaurants in your specific neighborhood.

You can also do this by writing about upcoming events in your area. Is there a big music festival on the schedule? There’s a blog post. What about a unique museum exhibit or a family festival? Those can make great blog posts too.

Highlight Your Latest Changes

On top of enticing people to visit your city, you can use your blog to encourage them to stay in your Airbnb specifically. Any time to make a cool update to your home or you buy a new nicety for your guests’ rooms, blog about it.

For more tips on how to best highlight the latest changes or features of your home, be sure to check out these interior design blogs. The better the photos and display of content on your blog for your rental property, the more likely you are to find success with an ongoing supply of new renters and AirBNB users.

Sometimes those details make the difference. They also tell renters that you’re attentive and that you truly care about creating a positive experience. Guests love knowing more about what to expect during their stay.

Embrace the Wonderful World of Blogging

We live in an age when people spend hours and hours online every day. Why not capitalize on it by giving them something interesting to ready and making some cash while you’re at it? That’s what your Airbnb blog can offer.

Of course, all these tips will require some writing ability. If you’re new to the blogging scene or if writing isn’t your forte, check out these blogging resources to help you get on track.

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