Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Menu ControlCtrl + Shift + NNew windowCtrl + Shift + WClose windowCtrl + OOpen fileCtrl + Shift + TReopen last fileCtrl + NNew fileCtrl + SSave fileCtrl + Shift + SSave file asCtrl + F4Close fileCtrl + WClose SublimeWindows, Files, and TabsCtrl + KBToggle sidebarCtrl + Page Down/Page UpMove to next/previous open tabCtrl + Tab/Ctrl + Shift + TabMove to next/previous open tab by stack (order they were opened)Ctrl + Shift + TReopen last closed tabCtrl +/-Zoom – increase/decrease font sizeCtrl + PQuick Open – Show file list of currently opened fileShift + F11Toggle Distraction-free modeCtrl + Alt + UpColumn selection upCtrl + Alt + DownColumn selection downCtrl + Shift + PCommand PromptCtrl + Shift + Alt + PShow Scope in status barF11Toggle Full Screen modeSplit WindowAlt + Shift + 1Split layout to 1 columnAlt + Shift + 2Split layout to 2 columnsAlt + Shift + 3Split layout to 3 columnsAlt + Shift + 4Split layout to 4 columnsAlt + Shift + 5Split layout to 2 vertical and 2 horizontal grids (4 Groups)Alt + Shift + 8Split layout to 2 rowsCtrl + [NUM]Jump to group where NUM is 1-4Ctrl + Shift + [NUM]Move file to specified group where NUM is 1-4Ctrl + K, then Arrow Up (with Ctrl pressed)Open new pane, and move current window into new paneCtrl + K, then Arrow DownClose current paneCtrl + K, then left arrow/Arrow RightMove to next pane to the left arrow/ right arrowCtrl + K, then Ctrl + Shift+Arrow Right/Arrow LeftOpen new tab in pane to the left arrow/ right arrowAlt + 1…0Jump to tab 1..10 in current paneNavigationCtrl + Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove one word left arrow/right arrowAlt + Arrow Left/Arrow RightMove one sub-word left arrow/ right arrowPage Up/Page DownMove one page up arrow/down arrowHome/EndMove to beginning of line/end of lineCtrl + Arrow Up/Arrow DownScroll page up arrow/down arrow without changing cursor positionCtrl + MMove to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracketCtrl + RShow Function List and navigateCtrl + Shift + RShow Function List without changing cursor positionCtrl+;Go to word in current fileAlt+ -/+ on Numeric KeypadJump forward/backwards to/from previous positions or selectionsSelectionShift + Arrow Left/Arrow RightExtend selection one character left arrow/right arrowCtrl + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow RightExtend selection one word left arrow/right arrowAlt + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow RightExtend selection one sub-word left arrow/right arrowShift + Arrow Up/Arrow DownExtend selection one line up arrow/down arrowShift + Page Up/Page DownExtend selection one page up arrow/down arrowShift + Home/EndExtend selection to beginning/end of lineCtrl + Shift + Home/EndExtend selection to beginning of file/end of fileCtrl + ASelect AllCtrl + LSelect LineCtrl + DSelect current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing modeAlt + F3Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing modeCtrl + Shift + LWith multiple lines selected – enter multi-line editing mode.EscCancel selectionCtrl + Shift + JSelect lines in this indentionCtrl + Shift + AExpand selectionCtrl + Shift + SpaceExpand selectionCtrl + Shift + MSelect current function enclosed by brackets or parenthesesCtrl + KUChange selection to upper caseCtrl + KLChange selection to lower caseCut, Copy, and DeleteShift + DeleteCutCtrl + InsertCopyShift + InsertPasteCtrl + XCutCtrl + CCopyCtrl + VPasteCtrl + Shift + VPaste and match current indentionCtrl + KVPaste from HistoryDeleteDelete character to the rightBackspaceDelete character to the leftCtrl + BackspaceDelete word to the leftCtrl + DeleteDelete word to the rightCtrl + Shift + BackspaceDelete from cursor to beginning of lineCtrl + Shift + DeleteDelete from cursor to end of lineUndo and RedoCtrl + ZUndoCtrl + Shift + ZRedoCtrl + YRedo or repeatFind and ReplaceCtrl + FFindF3Find nextShift + F3Find previousAlt + F3 (After selecting)Replace every selectionCtrl + HReplaceCtrl + IIncremental searchCtrl + Shift + FFind in FilesCtrl + F, Alt + EnterFind then Multi EditsCtrl + EUse selection to find fieldCtrl + Shift + EUse selection to replace fieldLine ManipulationCtrl + Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove line or selection up arrow/down arrowCtrl + EnterInsert line after and position cursor at beginning of new lineCtrl + JJoin line below at end of current lineCtrl + Shift + Arrow DownDuplicate lines (on Sublime 3 on Windows this seem to no longer work, try Ctrl+Shift+D instead)Ctrl + TTransposeF9Sort Lines (case sensitive)Shift + F9Sort Lines (case insensitive)Ctrl + ] / [Indent/unindentCtrl + Shift + DDuplicate line or selectionCtrl + Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow DownMove line or selection up arrow/down arrowCode FoldingCtrl + Shift + [Fold selectionCtrlL + Shift + ]Unfold selectionCtrl + K, Then Press 1Fold allCTRL + K, Then press JUnfold allCTRL + 2/9Fold levelCommentsCTRL + /Comment lineCTRL + SHIFT + /Block commentBookmarkingCTRL + F2New bookmarkF2Next BookmarkSHIFT + F2Previous bookmarkCTRL + SHIFT + F2Clear bookmarksMiscellaneousF6Toggle spell checkingCtrl + F6Find next misspellingCtrl + Shift + F6Find previous misspellingCtrl+`Toggle ConsoleAlt + V, then WToggle word wrap – View – Word wrap

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