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Adding JSON-LD structured data with Google Tag Manager

You’ve probably heard us talk a lot about structured data, and JSON-LD. Schema structured data on your site can result in highlighted search results. In this article, we’ll show you how to implement structured data using the JSON-LD markup on the pages of your site. Here, we’ll take a closer look at how

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An intervention on marketing’s dysfunctional relationship with data

As the relationship between human marketers and marketing data evolves from casual dating into something a little more serious, many are beginning to feel the growing pains. Sometimes the data tells us thing we don’t want to hear, or worse yet, can’t understand. Sometimes we ask the data to answer questions it can’t. And sometimes

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Using Data for Successful Multi-Channel Marketing

How to use data to optimise your multi-channel marketing Multi-channel marketing provides businesses with the opportunity to engage with consumers across a variety of different fronts, tailoring messages for specific groups while maintaining a consistent message and brand. But it’s not simply a matter of sending your message blindly out into the ether – to

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AgilOne’s Customer Data Platform Enhances Oracle Marketing Cloud: Three Integration Highlights

This week, AgilOne announced new integrations with Oracle Marketing Cloud. With AgilOne’s customer data platform powering engagement through Oracle Marketing Cloud, marketers can create more consistent, orchestrated, and authentic relationships across channels. So, how do we do it? AgilOne feeds a single view of the customer data into OMC that incorporates first party information unified across

AgilOne’s Customer Data Platform Enhances Oracle Marketing Cloud: Three Integration Highlights Read More »

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