
3 Key Phrases for All Freelancers to Commit to Memory before starting work

Starting a business is more than quitting your day job and putting together a website for your new project. It involves the law, your money, and your daily energy. When it comes to being your own boss, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you can both protect and grow your business. Terms […]

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Key Objectives Your Small Business Should Focus On

iStock by Getty Images When you’re just starting out and have no brand name yet, creating media buzz can be challenging. After all, you’re competing with not only a plethora of startups but other small businesses and large companies that are already established and have a strong following. You can view this as a disadvantage,

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Christmas in July: Consistency is the Key to Email Success

Identifying suspicious sending behavior is the name of the game for ISPs trying to protect their networks from bad actors. They’re constantly updating algorithms and leveraging machine learning to identify spam and preserve the inboxes of users. To avoid being caught up in the same net, legitimate senders need to avoid red flags on their

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Community and Competition Are Key Factors in Finding the Right Location For a Startup

Anyone who has bought a house or had other real estate dealings has likely heard the familiar phrase “location, location, location.” The quality of the area where a residence sits is tied to the home’s overall value. The same can be true for a small business. Finding an ideal spot to set up shop can

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Key Marketing Ops Capabilities to Boost Revenue

While many marketing and sales teams have adopted new methodologies like the SiriusDecisions Demand Unit Waterfall, very often those teams’ marketing and sales technologies haven’t kept up. With thousands of martech companies vying for your attention, it can be tough to decide where to focus your efforts. Join SiriusDecisions and Openprise experts as they share

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Marketing Done Right: Understanding Key Social Selling Activities

Social media has provided many new methods to generate prospects, build your brand, and deliver support to customers. Companies not utilizing social channels often find traditional methods considerably less effective than the social counterparts. As easy as it is to break into social media, discovering what works can be daunting. For example, social media campaigns

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Why Relationship Building is Key in Digital Marketing

rawpixel / Pixabay When it comes to marketing, we understand how important it is to build a trusting relationship with current and potential customers. Marketers spend hours perfecting the customer journey, analyzing the different touchpoints, personalizing their messages, and using data to find out more about their customers so they can target them more effectively.

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