
75% of Struggling Small Business Owners Believe Being Disorganized Leads to Productivity Loss – Small Business Trends

A survey of small businesses by Staples reveals 3 in 4 owners who are struggling or failing say not being organized has affected the productivity level of their companies. The survey looked at how disorganization, tax preparation, and marketing is affecting struggling and successful small businesses. How Being Disorganized Leads to Productivity Loss The challenges businesses

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15 Tips for Generating Truly Qualified Leads

If we ask you, point-blank, what is the most common method of prospecting, you would certainly answer us – and with good reason – that it is the “phoning”, or more precisely one of the components. Of the latter, namely cold calling. As a reminder, this Anglicism simply refers to the issue of outgoing calls

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How location data accuracy leads to stronger personalization

Location intelligence reveals a great deal about who we are. By observing the stores consumers visit, their areas of residence, where they work and how far they commute, marketers gather valuable insights into consumer preferences and interests. Ultimately, this observed, real-world location data is the bridge that links a person’s online activities with their online

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Starting a New Business? Use This Fail-Proof Guide To Attract Leads… Today!

Mark Cuban’s #1 rule of business is: Sales cures all. He’s right. No sales, no business. But where do these sales come from when you’re starting a new business? When you’re starting a new business, sales don’t happen “magically” out of thin air. Behind every purchase, there is a PERSON. Someone who decides they’re going

Starting a New Business? Use This Fail-Proof Guide To Attract Leads… Today! Read More »

7 Ways to Successfully Generate Leads from Your Blog

Blogging proved to be a phenomenon that would forever change the way businesses interact. Years later, almost everyone has their blogs – from homemakers to even Fortune 500 companies! Not only do blogs enable businesses to reach a wider audience. But it’s also an instrumental marketing campaign. According to a study, companies that have blogs

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The 3 biggest causes of bad sales leads (and how to avoid them)

How to generate better sales leads that lead to conversion Many B2B sales organizations get bogged down with too many bad sales leads. Salespeople are often crying out for “more sales leads” but “more” is not always better! Instead of just indiscriminately dumping more and more leads into the top of your sales funnel, you

The 3 biggest causes of bad sales leads (and how to avoid them) Read More »

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