
Know Your Audience: 5 Ways to Find Your Target Market on Social Media

Know Your Audience: 5 Ways to Find Your Target Market on Social Media Social media has permanently altered the way we communicate with the world around us. Some believe this change will lead to the downfall of society — but, they said the same thing about the printing press. The truth is, social media has

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4 ways to use videos to dominate the competition

Videos are the second most lucrative form of content, leaving behind blogs, webinars, infographics and case studies. This year, to dominate your competition, use videos to increase conversions, attract a new audience, create brand recall, explain a product service and for customer support Videos have taken the marketing world by storm. By 2021, video traffic

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5 Ways to Optimize for Personalized Search

Everyone is different. So why should Google’s search results be the same for every individual? That, in a nutshell, is the idea behind search personalization. It can be handy when search engines better understand what you like (and what you don’t). A couple of years ago, Google was actively engaged into search personalization. Now, according

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3 Ways Marketers Can Avoid a Communication Breakdown With Designers

Not to point any fingers, but how many marketers are guilty of asking designers something along the lines of “Can you just make it prettier?” For many marketers, working with a designer can be one of the most challenging tasks they face while building a brand. Communicating their wants, needs, and visions can lead marketers

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Three Ways Machine Learning And SEO Go Hand In Hand

As business owners or potential entrepreneurs, we know the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) as it relates to the success of our business or ideas coming into fruition. As technology has grown, there’s been a shift in how SEO works with other technological advances. One of the more interesting advances, on its own and as

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4 Ways Influencer Marketing Contributes to Conversions – By Corey Padveen

While influencer marketing offers a number of mechanisms through which conversions can be driven and optimized, these are four examples that any brand – large or small – can begin leveraging today. Build Recommendation Engines Peer recommendations have long been the most trusted source of referral traffic when it comes to new users or customers.

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7 Ways to Improve SEO for eCommerce Product Pages

You’ve built your eCommerce store and you couldn’t be more excited. You have visions of products flying off the digital shelves. There’s just one problem: how do you actually get people to come to your website? You could spend money on paid advertising, but that adds up quick. You could post incessantly on social media,

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