
What is off-page SEO? • Yoast

Off-page SEO is about everything that doesn’t happen directly on your website. Optimizing your website is called on-page SEO and includes things like site structure, content and speed optimizations. Off-page SEO is about, among other things, link building, social media and local SEO. Or in other words, generating traffic to your site and making your […]

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Low-quality pages and how to fix them • Yoast

Low-quality pages are pages that don’t contribute much to your SEO. In most cases, these pages add little value for your visitors as well. You can have different types of low-quality pages on your site, sometimes without even knowing it. Like thin content – pages holding little information – and duplicate content – pages showing the

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Passive voice checks for French and Spanish • Yoast

Since launching the readability analysis way back when we’ve been steadily adding support for more and more languages. Today, with the release of Yoast SEO 6.2, we’re expanding our knowledge of languages again by introducing passive voice checks for the French and Spanish languages. Improving language checks At Yoast, we firmly believe that readability ranks.

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How to set up a cornerstone content strategy with Yoast SEO? • Yoast

On your site, you’ll probably have a number of articles that are most dear to your heart. Articles you really want people to read. Articles you want people to find with Google. At Yoast, we call these articles your cornerstone articles. How do you make sure these articles pop up in a high position in

How to set up a cornerstone content strategy with Yoast SEO? • Yoast Read More »

How to semantically link entities to your content • Yoast

Search engines love entities. Entities can be people, places, things, concepts, or ideas and they will often appear in the Knowledge Graph. Lots of search terms can be an entity, but specific search terms can also have different meanings and thus, be different entities. Take [Mars] for example; are you talking about the planet entity or

How to semantically link entities to your content • Yoast Read More »

Changes to your site and the search results • Yoast

Whenever you make some big changes to your website, for instance to your brand name, you’re probably eager for these changes to show in the search results. Unfortunately, it can take a while for Google to crawl your site again and until then, it will show the indexed version of your site in the results,

Changes to your site and the search results • Yoast Read More »

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