The 4 Questions Your Industrial Manufacturing Marketing Agency Should Answer in Order to Keep Your Business

Partnering with an industrial manufacturing marketing agency may be just what your business needs to boost growth and achieve goals. However, once you’ve established a partnership with an agency, you must make sure they are delivering an ROI (return on investment).

How do you do that? Make sure your industrial manufacturing marketing agency is able to answer these four key questions:

Where’s the Data?

Data is critical in supporting the ROI your industrial manufacturing marketing agency is producing for your business. Data is how your agency partner keeps your company abreast of changes and results. Search rankings, website traffic, conversion rates, and other metrics should be monitored and tracked regularly.

Without your marketing data, you have no idea what you’re really paying for. Your agency should absolutely be capturing this information for all their efforts and be able to produce it for you when asked. If your industrial manufacturing marketing agency isn’t tracking your campaign data on a regular basis, request that they start immediately.

How Qualified Is My Traffic?

The focus of most industrial manufacturing marketing agency partnerships will be to boost SEO (search engine optimization) rankings and increase website traffic. But, you must understand that traffic isn’t created equal. It doesn’t matter if you receive 50,000 new hits on your website this month if none of them are buyers. Without increased sales for the increased traffic you paid for, is the investment worth it?

The goal of your industrial manufacturing marketing agency should be to bring real, active, in-market industrial buyers to your company’s website. The data you gain from question one will support the quality of traffic produced. You also want to make sure that your reporting numbers do not include worthless bot traffic, skewing your data.

Is It All Working?

While high-level marketing stats may be what you’re most interested in, what makes the difference for your business are leads and new customers. Industrial marketing agencies sometimes have trouble showing a clear connection between their efforts and the real business results you’re achieving (or aren’t).

Opportunity intelligence tools like Thomas WebTrax works to connect these vital dots. An opportunity intelligence gives your business the ability to track, identify, and engage buyers who are in your market and uncover invisible leads that your marketing ROI may be missing.

What Else Can You Do for Me?

Often times, companies select services a la carte from an industrial manufacturing marketing company. Maybe you want a new industrial website, or a new eBook or two, so you go to your marketing partner for those specific requests. Is your partner happy to provide the bare minimum you request, or are they looking for additional ways to help you succeed?

Your agency partner should be focused on adding value and be able to scale their services around your changing needs. PPC (pay per click), video development, retargeting, and more are areas that build upon and improve your current marketing efforts to better help achieve your goals.

Learn More

Find an industrial manufacturing marketing agency who can take your business to the next level. Thomas Marketing specializes in the industrial manufacturing industry, putting our knowledge to work for you. Contact us today and see what we can do for you.

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