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The Step-by-Step Story of Becoming a Full-Time Blogger (FS240)

If you’re working through all the hope and doubt and strategies it takes to become a full-time blogger, then you’re going to enjoy the bejeezus out of this episode.

Today on the show we are joined by Beth Hornback, who has an incredible story about how she carefully worked the steps and stages necessary to quit her job and work on her blog full-time.

Beth is the creator of the blog, Eat Within Your Means, where she shares plant-based recipes and cooking tips to fatten your wallet and skinny your jeans. Whether that’s by cooking chickpeas from scratch or sharing ways to limit or eliminate oil, it’s easier than you think.

Along the way Beth also shares her personal successes and struggles on the path to finding her means. In today’s episode Beth shares her journey of the wins and struggles she faced while transitioning out of her corporate job and into becoming a full-time blogger.

So if your dream is to be a blogger full-time and you need a bit of guidance and motivation to get there, then this podcast is for you!

Note: Beth has been a part of the Fizzle Community for a long time and we’re so glad to get to feature her story here!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The story of how Beth transitioned out of her corporate job.
  • Beth’s journey of becoming a full-time blogger.
  • Finding the motivation and a strategy to execute on your ideas.
  • Pursuing a life where you are “making work that matters”.
  • The best day ever; when Beth “woke up” to her blogging dreams.
  • Learning to recognize when to move on from a business idea that is not working.
  • Understanding that clarity comes from taking action on your dreams.
  • How an official launch date was absolutely crucial in the success of Beth’s blog.
  • Just create content; do not get hung up on a strict content schedule.
  • The spaghetti squash blog post that changed everything; the “wow” moment.
  • Focusing on posting diligently, even when you just can’t seem to get the home run.
  • Figuring out how to work from home while being a full-time mom.
  • And much more!

Quotes from this episode:

  • “It took me a long time to realize that everyone has to start with one post.” — @EatWithinMeans

  • “I am kind of a serial starter and a serial ‘unfinisher’. I have all kinds of ideas!” — @EatWithinMeans

  • “Working from home, it sounds so rosy and wonderful until you actually start doing it.” — @EatWithinMeans

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

“The Step-by-Step Story of Becoming a Full-Time Blogger”

The Top 10 Mistakes in Online Business

Every week we talk with entrepreneurs. We talk about what’s working and what isn’t. We talk about successes and failures. We spend time with complete newbies, seasoned veterans, and everything in between.

One topic that comes up over and over again with both groups is mistakes made in starting businesses. Newbies love to learn about mistakes so they can avoid them. Veterans love to talk about what they wish they had known when starting out.

These conversations have been fascinating, so we compiled a list of the 10 mistakes we hear most often into a nifty lil’ guide. Get the 10 Most Common Mistakes in Starting an Online Business here »

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