Three Hard but Effective SEO Strategies To Help Your Website Rank

In today’s world where everything is about the competition and who is better than who, it is very important to stay on the top. With technology taking over the world, online content is the best way to reach to the audience. The best way to do this is through a website. But there is a catch to this. There are numerous websites all over the world and new ones are emerging each and every day. There might be some websites that have the same content as yours. In this case, you need to be the best and use all the strategies to make yourself seen. The place for people to find out about your website is the search bar of a search engine. So, all you need to do is be a part of the top 10 searches of any famous search engine like Google, Yahoo and much more.

This is not an easy task to attain and for this, you need a special skill called SEO also known as the search engine optimization. Now there are some SEO training courses and techniques that are taught to the people exclusively but if you get the basis of it, it is not that tough. SEO or the Search Engine Optimization is a way in which you can increase the quality and quantity of traffic to your online website. Sounds interesting? Well, this procedure can get as complicated and simplified both at the same time. All you need is the basic understanding of the concept. If we talk exclusively about Google which is the most used search engine in the world, we would say that the best way to get more traffic to your website is to get to the top 10 searches of the search engine. People over time have tried to use wrong techniques to get to the top of the search list and this has led to more security and better screening of the content before actually optimizing it by the search engine.

If you want to know a few SEO strategies that can help you pump up your website ranking, you are just at the right place. We here give you three not so easy, but very efficient SEO strategies. Keep reading:



The first thing that needs to be done to make your website pop up is to market your content. To market that content, the first need is to deliver some really high quality and relatable text. You need to take up all the other sites like Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn, WiseLike and any other high traffic site and market there. This is not at all an easy task but this is the most effective SEO strategy in today’s time.

So the procedure to this is a little complicated. At first, you need to build a keyword filled yet smart and quality content on these high trafficked sites. Link those keywords to the anchor text of your website. The only strategy that makes this successful is that your content on these sites should be read and accessed by the people.

Another way is to market your website through a video. Make a video that has a tutorial of the things related to your website and posts it on platforms such as Vimeo and YouTube etc. In the box below write a description that has these keywords leading to your website. You can also link your website to the video itself so that the people can directly click on it to reach to your website.

  • Make Mobile Search A Priority

Mobile devices have become a more used gadget than the desktops or laptops. Search engines are paying more attention to the websites that can also be accessed on these small platforms. Make sure that your website is accessible on all these platforms. There are many sites that do not open on a Smartphone browser but will open nicely on the laptop or a desktop. We do not want this. This will only make the ranking of your website fall down real fast.


Imagine trying to access a page through Google and it takes a lot of time to open. In most cases, you will cancel and move to another page having the same information unless it is the specific page you want to look at. Slow loading pages or the page speed is a very big factor in the popularity of your site. Some tools such as GTMetrix, Google’s Page Speed and Varvy’s Page Speed can be used to get some ideas on how to improve the speed of your website. You can also ask some web developers to help you make your website fast and Google friendly.

These are some small SEO techniques that you can use to make your website pop up on the top 10 results of the search engine search page. The basic thing to keep in mind is quality content are a basis to make any site famous and these different techniques only work if the content in your site is good and relatable.

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