Tip of The Week: Explore Our Integrations Marketplace & Connect With Apps & Services You Use Every Day

Tip of The Week: Explore Our Integrations Marketplace & Connect With Apps & Services You Use Every Day

Whether you’re new to Sendlane or if you’ve been with us for a while now, you’ve probably noticed that we’re some busy little bees. 

At the start of the year, we released Sendlane 3.0 which updated our entire platform to give us the flexibility to continue to create an even better product just for you.

But a continuing part of making our product work harder and smarter for your marketing efforts is making sure it plays well with others.

And how do we do that? 

With our lovely Integrations. 

How You Can Use Our Integrations Marketplace To Your Advantage

We have A LOT of integrations. How many are we talking here? 

Mmmm, somewhere in the ballpark of 1,400 and counting.


We know it’s a lot, but it’s all for good reason: 

To make sure you can seamlessly connect the marketing apps, tools and web services you use to run your business and make your life easier. 

Now, we don’t want to leave you guessing as to what we have available to you. That’s why we have this handy little Integrations page for you to explore. 

There are a few ways to dig through this resource. If you already have tools and services you use for your business, you can always type the name of it into the Search Bar in the top left corner of the page. 

However, you can also search our database by looking at Categories via the dropdown menu in the top right corner. 

Selecting a category will show you the integrations we have listed under it. 

Clicking on one of the integrations will give you a bit of info about

  • What the product/service is
  • How it works with Sendlane
  • Popular use cases
  • A link to a help doc showing how to connect your Sendlane account with the integration

And what if you need help or have questions?

Don’t worry. We got you. 

Just reach out to our support team, and they’ll jump in to help you out. 

Start Connecting With Your Favorite Business Tools

Integrations not only make it easier to add contacts to your email list, but some can pass along vital data that can help you make better business decisions and see how your marketing efforts are panning out. 

If you haven’t already had a chance to take a look at the various integrations we have available, then you can click right here to give it a go.

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