Top 3 tips to improve local SEO – Search Marketing

Know the keywords that matter

“The first step should always be linking your brand with keywords that consumers associate to your industry, even if they are not aware that your company exists. If your business focuses on outdoor equipment, your keywords should include “tents” or “camping”, and if you want to get even more specific, longtail terms like “best camping equipment near me”. Even if an individual has not heard of your brand, by searching for common terms, your name will pop up. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and determine what words they would use when they’re looking for a business like yours,” said Alex Porter, President, Location3.
Make sure your website is optimized

“Your homepage is the most important asset, not only to provide potential customers with information about your business, but also to differentiate yourself from competitors. Ensuring that the site is properly optimized with industry-specific keywords will aid in it appearing high within search results,” said Porter.

Focus on your business listings

“While considering the low-hanging fruit of local SEO, they’re the best opportunity to capture non-branded search traffic, and drive more customers into your business locations. Whether they are local directories or review websites (Yelp, Foursquare, Angie’s List, etc.), it’s important to create and/or claim all listings for your business,” said Porter.

Tags: local search trends, Location3, search engine optimization, search marketing, seo tips

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