Tuesday Tip: How Your Website Can Attract New Customers

Tori Hopper, January 8, 2019

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Search engine optimization is a way to lead more potential customers to a website by using the right set of strategies. In the Jan. 2019 issue of Gifts & Decorative Accessories, Manpreet Kalra provides retailers with three tips to making their websites more appealing for search engines.

“Know what your target customers are searching. One common mistake I see many businesses make is trying to rank for broad keywords with a high search volume,” Kalra said. “Instead, you should focus on highly targeted keywords that are more likely to result in conversions (sales).”

Targeting keywords by region, creating the right title tag, and crafting a meta-description (the description that appears under a search result) to connect with customers are just three simple ways Kalra said she recommends to drive potential customers to a virtual storefront. She said she recommends a quality content strategy that targets specific searches instead of a strategy that tries to target the largest searches.

Check out the Jan. 2019 issue of Gifts & Decorative Accessories to dig further into Kalra’s advice on how to get your website into the top hits on a search engine.

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