2017 07 14 08 26 39 edit post twitter for business   how to develop your strategy plan and persona

Twitter for Business – How to Develop Your Strategy, Plan, and Persona [Podcast]

Twitter is one of the most powerful social networks to help business and marketing leaders increase brand awareness, establish thought leadership, ignite personal brands and nurture relationships that bring great benefit in both business and life.

Unfortunately, Twitter is also one of the most difficult platforms for many to understand and master. However, the results can be amazing for those who invest time to learn and understand how Twitter can fit in within their overall marketing and business strategies, tactics and plans.

This is the first of a series of episodes of the Social Zoom Factor podcast that I will be digging into the details of how business leaders in organizations of all sizes, from startups to large corporations can achieve a positive ROI and zoom both life and business utilizing Twitter for business. The goal is to help you put Twitter in a nutshell to help you learn, master and zoom results with Twitter as quickly s possible!


Episode Highlights

  • How I got started using Twitter
  • How I grew my following on Twitter to over 300,000 people
  • 15 tips to zoom results using Twitter for business
  • How to develop a Twitter strategy and plan
  • Developing your own personal Twitter brand persona
  • How to balance both art and science
  • Importance of two-way relationships vs one-way
  • How to learn what your audience thinks of you and your brand with Twitter lists
  • Humanizing your brand using Twitter
  • What you should NOT do on Twitter

Resources mentioned: 

How to Subscribe to Social Zoom Factor Podcast 

For additional help, you can check out our new comprehensive online social media and branding training academy, the Social Profit Factor, that will help create a solid social media, branding and even Twitter strategy and plan that will connect you with your ideal customer in a human way!  Sign up now to become a founding member and receive some incredible deals plus bonus offers.

Need us to help train your team? Give us a shout and let’s get a custom workshop scheduled for your organization. Increase sales by generating more leads using social media and content marketing to nurture relationships.

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