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Twitter Says Trump’s WWE Tweet Attacking CNN Within the Rules

Twitter is widely known to have a problem with trolls. The platform has taken lots of criticism in the past about its lack of enforcement of abuse.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Twitter saw nothing wrong with Donald Trump’s latest controversial tweet that showed the president in a WWE video taking down and then punching a man with the CNN logo superimposed over his face.

Trump’s latest controversial tweet comes after he lashed out last week, at MSNBC co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski calling Brzezinski “crazy” and Scarborough “psycho.”

CNN reported that Twitter reviewed the WWE tweet and found no problem with it based on three factors: the political context of the conversation, the fact that there could be multiple interpretations, and a lack of details in the text of the tweet.

Twitter rules state that accounts may be suspended if a user makes violent threats, or other targeted abuse involving race, religion, or gender.

Trump’s tweet immediately went viral with thousands of comments from his supporters joining the president in calling CNN the “fraud news network.”

However, many others viewed it as just another inappropriate tweet in a series of violations of Twitter’s policy. They argued that if it were anyone else their account would have been suspended.

In an interview back in May, Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey said the following when asked about Donald Trump’s Tweets:

“I believe it’s really important to hear directly from our leadership. And I believe it’s really important to hold them accountable. And I believe it’s really important to have these conversations out in the open, rather than have them behind closed doors. So if we’re all to suddenly take these platforms away, where does it go? What happens? It goes in the dark. And I just don’t think that’s good for anyone.”

Yesterday, in an interview with Fox Business, billionaire business mogul Mark Cuban an outspoken critic of the president said it’s time for the media to ignore Trump’s tweets, “The media needs to learn that Trump is like any CEO–he will deflect and misdirect. It’s time to start talking to the people who go to work every day and find out what is going on in their lives.”

Trump’s feud with the media is far from over. Critics say that his latest tweet is an attempt to incite violence against members of the media. His supporters seem to enjoy Trump’s antics on Twitter and their support gets stronger with every tweet.

As of today, two things remain clear about Trump’s use of Twitter. He will continue to tweet however he wants and as he seemingly ups the ante with each tweet he sends, the calls to suspend his account from those that oppose him will get louder.

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