Two New Bing Updates In One Place



Bing Ads rolled out a more streamlined and intuitive mechanism called “Multi-Linking” for linking one account to another.


Multi-Linking is helpful for agencies and multi-account advertisers in various scenarios, such as when you’re looking to:


  • Run reports across all your managed accounts.
  • Transition clients from one agency to another.
  • Manage billing information from one customer shell.


The new system allows advertisers to link accounts without having to classify itself as an agency, as advertisers had to do previously. In addition, accounts can have up to five managing entities, and billing responsibility can also be moved between entities with no pausing of the account necessary.


The interface will be updated to reflect who has account access, with easy “unlink” options next to each one, and a simple “Change who pays” option to facilitate billing changes:



An important note: Multi-Linking doesn’t support unlinking from the entity that originally created an account. For example, if an agency creates an account for a client, it cannot be unlinked from the client end of the relationship.


Bing has positioned this as the first part in a multipart upgrade for agencies that desire increased options and capabilities with multiple-account management. The second phase will reportedly be Multi-User Access, allowing users to have a single username that can access multiple Bing Ads customers. They have also made many upgrades to Bing Ads Editor this year in the same vein, launching label support and ad extension support within Bing Ads Editor.


Multi-Linking should be available worldwide now, or within the next few days.



Overview Tab


Also new to Bing Ads is the Overview tab, offering a high-level, customizable bie of advertisers accounts.



Not to be confused with the Home page in the top navigation of the Bing Ads UI, the new Overview tab will be found under the main Campaigns page. It provides a high-level view of account performance with more customization opportunities than the Home page.


From a design and layout perspective, the new tab more closely resembles the overview pages available in the new AdWords UI. Individual tiles feature data in charts and tables. Users can resize, hide or remove a tile from the three-dot icon in the upper right-hand corner of any tile. Moving tiles around is as easy as dragging and dropping. Campaign and metrics filtering can be applied to the entire Overview page.



The new tab is rolling out globally in the Bing Ads UI over the next few weeks.


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