We’ve got omnichannel all wrong

About six years ago, our industry was subjected to yet another buzzword: omnichannel. Specific to marketing, the term caused more confusion than clarity. What did, and does, it really mean? No one really knew or knows. But of course, everyone threw the term around anyway.

The way I saw it, omnichannel was a way to look at marketing spend across multiple channels like digital, outdoor, TV, in-store, print, radio and more, with the ability to fine-tune budgeting across all of them to make it more effective and efficient. Of course, measuring all of that proved to be very difficult beyond a dashboard of spend.

Even more challenging was determining what drove action for which shoppers and when. If you’re marketing across all those channels, how can you accurately tell which touch point, on which channel, had a greater impact on its own or in combination with any others? You really couldn’t, and you still can’t.

[Read the full article on MarTech Today.]

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About The Author

Lewis Gersh is founder and CEO of PebblePost, guiding corporate strategy and company vision with over 20 years of board and executive management experience.

Prior to PebblePost, Lewis founded Metamorphic Ventures, one of the first seed-stage funds, and built one of the largest portfolios of companies specializing in data-driven marketing and payments/transaction processing. Portfolio companies include leading innovators such as FetchBack, Chango, Tapad, Sailthru, Movable Ink, Mass Relevance, iSocket, Nearbuy Systems, Thinknear, IndustryBrains, Madison Logic, Bombora, Tranvia, Transactis and more.

Lewis received a B.A. from San Diego State University and a J.D. and Masters in Intellectual Property from UNH School of Law. Lewis is an accomplished endurance athlete having competed in many Ironman triathlons, ultra-marathons and parenting.

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