What Are Some Of The Latest eCommerce SEO Strategies!

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Search engine optimization (SEO) may seem like a no brainer, but there are so many components to it. The process is even more difficult for e-commerce sites, which operate differently from blogs, for instance. All it requires is creating high-quality content, optimizing for mobile and site load times, and regular maintenance. You’ll also have to focus on other e-commerce strategies, as addressed in this article.

Reduce Load Times

Faster load times don’t just help improve the user experience. They can impact search engine rankings. You should aim for 100 to 200 milliseconds load time. While there are plenty of to improve load times, image compression is the most beneficial. Use e-commerce SEO tools or Google Tag Manager to track inventory of active scripts on your site. If your list looks too long, then you’ll want to eliminate excess calls that are slowing your site down.

If you still have issues with this step, then you can find a UX design agency that can help you out. A reputable digital agency can provide additional tips or support for slowing down load times. They can also quickly detect the cause of your website’s slow load times. Sometimes a second pair of ears can find something that you didn’t notice.

Unique Product Descriptions

The next thing you should focus on is creating unique product descriptions. This is important for improving the overall look and performance of your website. While it’s easier to use a manufacturer’s original product description or to rewrite sections of content from similar products, the best method is to create a unique description for each of your products. While it takes more work and creativity, duplicate content can negatively impact your search engine rankings. Unique content will pay off in the long run.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, then you need to get on it. User habits have shown that consumers are shopping and researching products on their mobile devices. Responsive mobile design is important for SEO and the overall user experience.

If you want to take things a bit further, Google’s AMP can optimize your website for mobile devices by improving your mobile ranking and reducing load times. Another tool called Website Grader can detect if your website is mobile responsive and has configured its Viewpoints.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Encourage customer reviews on each of your products. Search engines love seeing unique, high-quality content. With an e-commerce site, you have a greater opportunity to get free content from your customers. You’ll increase sales by providing people more insight into the products and services you sell.

Establish Site Navigation

This is important if you want to increase search engine rankings and improve the overall user experience. Separate by your product pages by categorizing them and making them easy to find. You want your site map to be picked up by search engines. When designing your website, stick to a clean and minimal design. Make sure it’s attractive and takes your customers where they need to go.

Resolve Site Errors

Keep your website clean and clutter-free by using Google Search Console, which was previously known as Google Webmaster Tools. Common site errors include broken links, 404 pages, or errors with sitemap files. While not all errors are the same, resolving them as soon as possible improves your search engine rankings. It’ll also allow Google to index your site as soon as possible.

Optimize Site Load Times

You can also optimize load times by reducing the size of your photos. While it’s important to feature high-quality images on product descriptions, you don’t want to include too many. Having too many photos on one page can slow it down, which is bad for SEO and search engine rankings.

Reduce the size of your photos or include a feature that allows your customers to “zoom in” to see a bigger version. This will optimize site load times while providing your customers with the quality images they need.

Optimize Your Content

This important step tackles two components: category pages and product descriptions. The category pages are known as your individual pages. Optimize the titles and content for the search terms you’re trying to rank for. This can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engines.

Product descriptions are difficult for e-commerce business owners who sell products directly from manufacturers. To make yourself stand out, shift your focus on the psychology behind this product. Why should your customers buy it? Provide more details than your manufacturer gives.

Think of your content in terms of SEO. Incorporate the keywords and search terms you’re trying to rank for. While keyword stuffing is never encouraged, research the right keywords and use them in areas that make sense. If you still need help with this step, then you can use a UX design agency that specializes in content writing or a digital agency that includes both design and content marketing.

Include Photos & Videos

E-commerce stores are known for their visual content, which is an important part of SEO. Include high-quality photos and videos for each of your products along with metadata. This improves your chances of images showing up in search results. But store them in a way that doesn’t slow down the site load times.

Use each of these strategies and regularly update your website. E-commerce sites have their own problems, but with the right SEO practices, these can be easier to address.

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