Holiday Electronics Expect to Give

What Consumer Electronics Will Be Under the Christmas Tree in 2019?

Few gifts are more coveted at Christmastime than TVs, gaming systems, tablets, and other consumer electronics. They make a powerful addition to any wishlist.

As Field Agent’s 2019 Holiday Preview reports, whether it’s men, women, boys, or girls, many Americans this year are hoping to find one or more consumer electronics under the tree.


Because Field Agent regularly serves electronics brands with retail audits and shopper insights, we naturally got to wondering which specific consumer electronics and brands Americans expect to give this Christmas.

This calls for a survey. 


Survey: Which Electronics Will Be Given This Christmas?


Field Agent asked 1,339 respondents which of 10 popular consumer electronics, if any, they expect to give to someone for Christmas 2019. Altogether, 59% said they anticipate giving at least one of the 10 electronics listed below.

As you can see, at 27%, more than a quarter of respondents expect to give headphones/earphones this holiday season. Additionally, some 16% said they plan to give a tablet to someone, while 13% anticipate giving a phone, video game console, and/or smart watch/fitness tracker.

But which specific brands will be popular among Christmas shoppers? 

Read on for insight into this question.


So which electronics brands, specifically, will be under the tree this year? 

For the 10 electronics categories in the graph above, we asked respondents which one they’re most likely to give and, thus, most confident about buying. Based on their answers, we asked a single followup question: “Which one brand are you most likely give?,” for whichever category they said they’d be most likely to give. 

Below we present the top 3 brands for a selection of popular electronics categories. Respondents had the option to select “I have no idea.”



Clearly, brands like Apple, Amazon, and Nintendo are poised for a strong holiday.

The question is: Will they be ready for purchase-minded shoppers as they arrive in stores?


Electronics brands rely on Field Agent to monitor in-store conditions, to understand shopper attitudes, and, ultimately, to power sales of their products. See below for real-world examples of how we do this!


Free Download: Auditing the Electronics Department


Want to see how Field Agent helps brands audit and understand electronics departments in stores across the country?

Download our free resource, “Consumer Electronics: Instant Visibility into Electronics Departments Nationwide,” for an eyes-on view of electronics retail.  



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