What Facebook Insights Can Teach Your About Your Business

Facebook Insights is still something fairly new, and because of this any people don’t know how to read the information. Personally, from what I’ve seen, it can provide enormous value into your brand, especially, your audience. For those of you not aware of the tool Facebook Insight provides you in-depth knowledge into who is searching your keywords, the amount of Likes on relevant pages, the age groups, gender, etc. The best thing about such a tool is that it’s abundantly available to everyone for free. All you need is a Facebook Advertising account. With that said,

I’m still surprised at the amount of people who don’t know about the tool or DON’T take advantage of it for their marketing. I’m here to discuss a few things on what Facebook Insights can teach you about your brand, and audience. Let’s jump right in and your feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Facebook Insights is a great way to find out more about your audience, and this can be huge because it’ll help you narrow down your marketing. One of the biggest challenges as marketers is that we DON’T know who we are writing our content for. This means we can’t tweak it for a certain group of people and our marketing budget + reach broadens. Personally, from being involved in content marketing and JUST general marketing for so many years, I’ve learned that knowing your audience is one of the MOST important factors in building your brand. When you know who they are, you’ll be able to tweak your services, content, products, etc. to fit their needs. With that said, here are a few important things you should be paying close attention to. However, before we continue, let’s look at how to access the Facebook Insight interface:

Head over to Facebook.com, then click on Create an Ad After, you can access the tools by heading over to Tool: Facebook Insights. It’s that simple! All you have to do is conduct searches focused around your main keywords. Make sure you have a handful of targeted keywords before you access the tools.

Once you start performing searches, you’ll have enormous tabs open up, but let’s start with the general information.

Age – It’s a good idea to check the age group associated with your audience. This will give you a better idea of the general group of people interested in your content. It’s stated almost 80% of people are using Facebook so this estimate is fairly accurate.

Gender – This is very important because it allows you to target marketing campaigns or products towards people of a certain gender group. On my bipolardigest.com blog I was able to determine MOST of the people involved are women. I can then create content for mothers, wives, etc.

Relationship Status – I like to know this information especially when selling weight loss or relationship products. It’s also a good idea to have insight into this information if you are trying to tap into a specific audience.

Location – Amazing insight especially if you are writing content in a different language. You want to make sure the majority of people will understand your content, and can engage with it. Next, location is an awesome insight to have when developing marketing campaigns.

Once you understand your audience better, you can move into the next Insight provided by Facebook depending on your keyword – Page Likes

Page Likes Insight

Here’s what’s amazing.

Through Facebook Insights you can find out about the pages these same people are liking. It’s important to know this information because it allows you to see what types of products or services they enjoy. Next, many of the pages they like will be active blogs which provide content, and this is where the magic happens especially if you’re a blogger. For example, here’s what you can do with the following information.

Visit each blog – I’ll visit the top 3 blogs within the list, and see what they are writing about. This provides me great insight into future topics, and allows me to excel when writing content. I’ll also see what the other content is missing so I can add it to mine going forward.

Products – Some of the websites you’ll notice are strictly product websites. If you are developing a product, then you can learn something from these sites. Pay close attention to what they sell, and how you can create something better.

Services – Maybe you’ll like to tweak your services to better fit your audience. Insights will provide you with everything you need to know. For example, you already know age group, location, gender, etc.…right? Visit each of the sites and see what services they provide, and then start providing the same through your blog.


Facebook Insights will also give you a huge breakdown into the Activity of these people. What do I mean? It’ll show you what people associated with your target search do i.e. posts likes, pages liked, comments, ads clicked, etc.

Insights Activity

Facebook Insights is an amazing tool because it really gives you in-depth information into what people who are associated with your keywords do. For example, isn’t it a good idea to know how people will react to your page, ad, and posts? If the insights tell you that people statistically don’t respond well to ads or posts associated with your target search, then you might want to hold off marketing on Facebook. This will save you huge money, and time.

Let’s explore some of the stats associated with the keyword – Weight Loss

From the image above you can see the following:

First, many people engage with pages that have to do with Weight Loss. The bar on the chart is very high so if you start a weight loss page you’ll have high engagement. However, what stands out the MOST is how many people click Ads associated with Weight loss. You can imagine how ads are associated with products and programs so this is always a good sign especially if you have your own program, right? What’s also a good statistic is how many people actually click on weight loss promotions on Facebook. This number is very low so I would avoid promos all together. Facebook Insights provides so much information it’s definitely useful no matter what type of engagement you are trying to achieve.


Facebook offers marketing so you can imagine how you can use this information to tweak your campaigns. Before I continue I just want to tell you that you can find stats on household income, and purchases within Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights Marketing

Here’s a trick I like to use when setting up a Facebook marketing campaign. I know for beginners it’s tough to spend money on marketing, however when sending traffic to a page, you’ll be paying 0.03 a Like. Follow these steps to gain huge brand exposure.

First, go ahead and setup a page. It’s important you add a wallpaper, information about your company, etc. Make sure you have a credible page created. Next, it’s time to setup your Facebook campaign, and it should be catered to receiving Page Likes. This way you are spending very little money to get each Like. As mentioned, you’ll be paying roughly 0.02-0.04 per click. Next,

Head over to Facebook Insights and do a search using your main keywords. This will bring up all the results we just discussed above. Look over the audience information, and include that into your marketing campaign. However, here’s where the magic kicks on. Head over to the Page Likes section and grab a list of all other pages the same people have Liked. Why?

When you are setting up your campaign, I encourage all of you to target the same pages because this will increase the changes that the same people will join your page too. Keep in mind, they have already Liked pages associated with your brand so MOST probably will join your page too. You have to keep in mind that targeting the same pages when setting up your campaign will force Facebook to show your ad when people are visiting those pages. They’ll see your ad on the right hand column increasing brand visibility and Liking power.

It’s a cool trick I have used several times when setting up campaigns for myself, and for others.

Final Thoughts

Facebook Insights is an awesome tool to build your brand, and understand your audience. About 80% of people in the world are using Facebook daily. You’ll get a good idea into your audience, and can cater your products, services or even content marketing to fit their needs. This will increase overall engagement and build your brand. If you have a budget, then you can invest in Facebook marketing and use some of the strategies I have mentioned above targeting the same pages. Here’s what I need you to do next to get started.

First, read over this content again understand how to use the tool. You can also set up a Facebook account, or if you have one then log into Insights now. Play around with the interface understanding how you can make use of it with your brand or niche. Type in a few keywords and go through the tabs learning how to read the information available. Once you becoming comfortable you can setup your campaign with a small budget of $5.00 daily. This is more than enough to start building your page and increase brand awareness.

If you need more information on Facebook Insights, then visit their tutorials or even do a quick search in Google for additional resources. You’ll find more than a handful online.

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