What is CSM® and Reasons Why you should do it

Scrum is the most popular and widely used framework for Agile implementation.  It is primarily used for software development tasks.  Scrum is a simple framework that’s entirely focused on doing just enough preparation, just in time for development work to begin. It is a highly successful framework with varied benefits. It offers increased productivity, better quality, reduced project costs, and higher customer satisfaction.

In the field of Project Management and leadership, certifications can play a vital role in proving one’s worth. Obtaining your CSM® can be vital in your career progress. The CSM certification provides a greater understanding of Scrum methodologies and implementation strategies.

Who is it for?

There are no prerequisites or set eligibility requirements for pursuing  CSM®.  Basic understanding of the Agile & Scrum process is recommended. Project managers across industries, product owners, software architects, developers, testers, coders, and professionals who would like to pursue a career as a professional Scrum Master can take up the CSM training course.

Steps to Certification 

1. Choose an authorized training partner

     There are multiple organizations that provide CSM training. These organizations have highly skilled and Certified Scrum Trainers® (CST®) who provide the training.

2. Attend the Training Program

     The two-day training program is mandatory. Preparation for the CSM® includes learning Scrum values and fundamentals of Scrum framework.

3. Log into Scrum Alliance

         You will receive a mail from Scrum Alliance within a few days after joining the course. Log In to Scrum Alliance website and take the online exam. 

4. Take up the exam

        The exam consists of multiple choice questions and the duration of the test is 1 hour. This exam can only be attended after the completion of two day’s training program. The results will be displayed immediately after submitting the answers. 

5. Download and print the Certificate

       You can download and take a print out of the certificate directly from the Scrum Alliance website after submitting the online evaluation and agreeing to the terms and conditions.

Reasons to do CSM®

1. Credibility:

CSM is an internationally recognized certification. This certificate adds more value to your resume and informs employers or clients that you are capable of implementing the methods in question correctly. It is one of the most sought after certifications in the IT industry

2. Quality & Efficiency:

Delivering value and top-notch services to customers is the top most priority for all organizations. Scrum is designed to improve the efficiency of the project teams. Scrum ensures dramatic improvements in productivity, Delivery of releasable software, reductions in product failure and return of investments. 

3. Enhancement:

Scrum can be a great way to enhance your knowledge. This certification equips you with a widely recognized skill-set. Scrum can be combined with elements of traditional management methodologies to esnure an effective outcome

4. Popularity & Demand:

Agile and Scrum have gained wide popularity in recent years. They are the fastest growing project management methodologies on a global scale. More and more organizations are moving to Agile and Scrum to cater to the needs of the modern day customer. Companies must speed up their product delivery process to stay relevant in the marketplace. Scrum enables rapid innovation and disciplined release of products and this has made companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Spotify to make a shift to Agile practices. The demand for Certified Scrum Masters® has thus increased tremendously.

5. Accessibility:

Scrum Master Certification is one of the most accessible qualifications as it only has two days of training. Even for people with the busiest of calendars, it doesn’t take long to get certified and confident    

6. Versatility:

Scrum can be used in other domains and just not software development. Its practices have been adopted across other growing range of industries including manufacturing, education, publishing, marketing, operations and more.

7. Transparency: 

Communications between the Scrum Masters and the stakeholders are highly transparent, and they have the authority to know everything about the project. This visibility helps to identify the problems and makes troubleshooting easier for the team members. With face-to-face communication chances of miscommunication and false interpretations are reduced and help the team work efficiently toward achieving their goal

8. Flexibility:

In Scrum development projects, change is accepted. With an ever-evolving market, changes have to be incorporated to make a product more valuable. In a Scrum team, priorities can be adjusted throughout the project at sprint interval

9. Easy to use:

Scrum converts complex problems into smaller fragments that can be solved easily. It is easy to introduce into an organization. Scrum can be easily managed.

Scrum Master Certification is one of the most challenging and rewarding training courses. So, if you have decided to be a Scrum Master, get certified and watch your career soar

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