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What’s New In The Social Media World? : socialmedia

Facebook expands the testing of its keyword alerts for Groups, Instagram launches ‘product launch’ reminder stickers and tags to capitalise on audience interest plus a new messaging app (a lookalike of Snapchat!) and LinkedIn is ramping up its Campaign Manager.

“Build it, and they will come” only works in the movies. Social Media is a “build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay.” – Seth Godin

In this article, we’ll cover the following most recent social media news:

  1. Keyword Alerts for Groups on Facebook is getting a new format

  2. Instagram is testing ‘product launch’ stickers and tags to help businesses sell products by reminding customers on Launch Day

  3. Instagram’s new messaging app

  4. LinkedIn adds new insights, targeting logic approach and demographic metrics to its Campaign Manager

Let’s dive into our selection on social media news, shall we?

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Facebook Testing Improved Keyword Alerts Feature For Groups

Last year, our favourite code hacker – Jane Manchun Wong – discovered Facebook had started testing a new keyword alerts feature for groups. The new feature would provide another way for FB group admins to stay on top of relevant discussions within group interactions. 

Source: Jane Manchun Wong’s Twitter Account

Recently, social media expert Matt Navarra had spotted Facebook is refining the process and adding some new features.

Source: Matt Navarra’s Twitter Account

The new format has been improved from the original one. In the new one, admins will be able to add in all the relevant discussion terms they want to monitor; then get alerted (in a separate tab) about any posts which include the chosen keywords/terms. Admins will then have the immediate option (below the post) to delete it or let it go through to the community.

Why should you care?

The new feature could be potentially handy for businesses who are looking to use groups to stay in touch with potential customers. Especially, those within larger groups. By setting up specific alerts for a product or intent-related keywords, admins would be able to ensure they never miss a relevant discussion. While businesses could also, theoretically, work with admins from large, popular groups to set up an alert system to let them know of relevant mentions; which they can tap into.

The above is not necessarily the intention of the feature. The option is mostly designed to catch content which doesn’t align with the group’s established rules; and, quickly be removed before even being posted.

Currently, there’s no word on a full launch of the option, but given the progress in its development, we believe it would be launched soon.

Instagram’s Launch Day (Reminder) Sticker and Tag

Instagram has continued along the line of encouraging shopping in-app, providing new functionality for users and new opportunities for businesses to get more out of their Insta presence with the launch of a beta test of a new product launch sticker in Stories and a launch tag option in the main feed. 

The two options will enable users to set reminders for a product’s launch date; preview the product details in-stream; and then, make a subsequent purchase as soon as a product becomes available.

Source: Instagram

Brands will be able to add a sticker noting the date of the launch. Users can tap on the sticker to set a reminder. If they choose that option, a push notification will be sent to their phone (dependent on device settings), letting them know the moment the product they were interested in is released.

Why should you care?

The option will enable users to maintain a connection with the latest trends and releases from the people and businesses that they’re already following on the platform.

As per Instagram, “latest trends come together in music, art, fashion and more. People follow their favourite brands and creators to keep up with these interests and discover new products. Brands and creators connect with shoppers eager to have those products the instant they’re available.

The social media notes that the option could be particularly beneficial for creator collaborations and limited releases; catering to engaged audiences in the app in order to increase demand; and, well, buzz within the community. 

At this stage, the new tags are being tested by a small group of brands in the US, including Adidas, H&M and Warby Parker. The company has not, yet, provided details of a full-on launch; but, it’s another option which will add to the platform’s increasing slate of eCommerce tools. 

What is Instagram Threads?

Earlier this month, we told you about Instagram cloning TikTok’s video editor and now, the little copycat seems to be launching a messaging app which is a lot like… Snapchat. The app is called Threads and it opens on the camera and has an interface that will be mostly familiar to Snapchat users. There are, however, a few big differences.

Source: Instagram

Firstly, the entire app is focused on your ‘close friends’ list. Threads users can only exchange messages if they’ve both added each other to their ‘close friends’ list on Instagram.

Secondly, besides swapping selfies the app also encourages users to share brief, emoji-driven status updates; a 😴 when you’re napping, a 🎮 for gaming, etc. Yet, if you are willing to give Instagram access to a ton of data, the app can automatically create a cute emoji status for you with a feature called auto status.

Source: Instagram

If you enable Auto Status, Threads will request your location, movement, battery level and network connection from your phone in order to determine what content to share,” says Instagram’s head of policy Karina Newton. “For example, Auto Status might use your precise location to show your friends that you’re at a cafe.

If you ask us, this feature is likely to raise privacy concerns. Many users believe the app secretly listens to their conversations, despite executives’ repeated attempts to debunk these claims. So, a separate Facebook-made app that does require excessive app permissions might raise some eyebrows. 

LinkedIn Campaign Manager Is Getting New Functionalities

LinkedIn is adding audience forecasting information directly to the Campaign Manager dashboard. The professional platform is also introducing new Boolean targeting logic for building audiences as well as new demographic reporting metrics.

The updated dashboard includes audience forecasting insights. This new metric will give advertisers quick access to the mark-up of their target audiences. They will also be able to customise the forecasting panel to show specific targeting data. Such as top industries, years of experience or company size.

Source: LinkedIn

According to LinkedIn’s Director of Product management – Abhishek Shrivastava – “when combined with contacts you’ve uploaded to Matched Audiences, you can be sure that you’re not only serving ads to specific prospects you’re trying to reach but that you’ll have the demographic insight to deliver the content and creative mix that will resonate with them.

Boolean logic for targeting queries. Advertisers will now have the opportunity to create targeting queries using Boolean logic terms (and/or) which will allow them to build larger audiences for campaigns as they can target multiple profile facets such as job functions, seniority and titles.

Demographic metrics. Over the next week or so, LinkedIn will be rolling out new metrics at the audience level for leads, Sponsored InMail opens and video ad views.  The company states demographics reporting has been one of its most popular Campaign Manager features and it is invested in “making this even better” with audience-level insights.

Why should you care? The professional platform has been focused on building out its Campaign Manager to attract advertisers managing high volume campaigns for over a year now. By expanding its audience forecasting features; adding Boolean logic to targeting queries; and, ramping up metrics, LinkedIn is giving advertisers (with sizeable budgets) the type of tools they expect. Especially, when creating and managing social campaigns.

Final Thoughts

Do you have any suggestions or ideas what social media news topics you’d like us to look out for in the future? Write your requests below. We’ll keep an eye out (or two) so you don’t have to – and all for FREE, of course.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our email marketing blog for useful advice, tips and tricks. We will also keep you up-to-date with the most recent email news, search engine news, PPC & Ads news as well as other digital marketing news we found interesting.

This article was originally published on 14 October by and can be found here.

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