What’s Propelling Harte-hanks Inc (NYSE:HHS) After Higher Shorts Reported?

Harte Hanks, Inc. (NYSE:HHS) Logo

The stock of Harte-hanks Inc (NYSE:HHS) registered an increase of 15.49% in short interest. HHS’s total short interest was 32,800 shares in August as published by FINRA. Its up 15.49% from 28,400 shares, reported previously. With 5,200 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 6 days to cover their HHS’s short positions. The short interest to Harte-hanks Inc’s float is 0.94%.

The stock decreased 1.45% or $0.04 during the last trading session, reaching $2.71. About 400 shares traded. Harte Hanks, Inc. (NYSE:HHS) has declined 73.64% since August 6, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 73.64% the S&P500.

Harte Hanks, Inc. provides various multichannel marketing services in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $17.01 million. The firm provides agency and digital services, including search engine management, display, digital analytics, Website development and design, digital strategy, social media, email, e-commerce, and interactive relationship management services; database marketing solutions and business-to-business lead generations that offer insight and analytics, customer data integration, and marketing communications tools. It currently has negative earnings. It also offers direct marketing services, including digital printing, print on demand, advanced mail optimization, logistics and transportation optimization, tracking, commingling, shrink wrapping, and specialized mailing services, as well as custom kitting, print on demand, product recalls, and freight optimization services through its fulfillment centers; and operates teleservice workstations that offer contact center solutions comprising speech, voice and video chat, integrated voice response, analytics, social cloud monitoring, and Web self-services.

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More notable recent Harte Hanks, Inc. (NYSE:HHS) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “Harte Hanks, Inc. (HHS) Q1 2019 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” on May 11, 2019, also Finance.Yahoo.com with their article: “Why Mallinckrodt Stock Is Sinking Today – Yahoo Finance” published on July 17, 2019, Bizjournals.com published: “Harte Hanks to eliminate dozens more Texas jobs – San Antonio Business Journal” on April 18, 2019. More interesting news about Harte Hanks, Inc. (NYSE:HHS) were released by: Globenewswire.com and their article: “Harte Hanks Names Mark Del Priore as New CFO – GlobeNewswire” published on January 16, 2019 as well as Finance.Yahoo.com‘s news article titled: “Why Mallinckrodt Stock Is Tanking Today – Yahoo Finance” with publication date: May 21, 2019.

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