Whiteboard Video Marketing Tips and Stats for 2019

Whiteboard animation videos can help with your conversion rate on your website. Unbounce estimates that you can expect as much as a 20% increase in page visits and a decrease in page bounce rates. A study by Wistia, a company that follows the demographic trends of video marketing, reports that users spend an average of 2.6 times more time on sites that have a video than ones that have no video.

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With the importance of user engagement and viewership on our minds, today we are going to dive deep into the world of white board videos – in reference to their content creation process, user engagement, and how their information is being consumed at much faster rates than other types of online video.

Stats on Video Animation Effects

More stats on how video animation does with potential clients reveals that 87% of businesses are currently using video as an important marketing tool. This fact alone illustrates how important business owners view video content to help them increase their ROI and reach their target audience.

They also released stats on the following:

  • 87% of businesses now use video as a marketing tool. (This figure has seen a sharp rise from 63% in 2017, and 81% in 2018.)
  • 91% of video marketers consider video an important part of their marketing strategy. That’s an increase from 82% in 2017 and 85% in 2018.
  • 83% of marketers say video gives them a good ROI (up from 78% in 2018.)
  • 90% of video marketers feel the level of competition and noise has increased in the past year.
  • But despite this – 99% will continue to use video in 2019, with 88% saying they’ll spend more than they did in previous years.

Why Whiteboard for Explainers?

There’s been a lot of discussion as to why businesses should use whiteboard animations instead of other types of animation videos such as character animation, for example. Whiteboard animations are done in such a way that they command the attention of the viewer from the beginning to the end of the presentation.

These types of videos capture the attention of the viewer by presenting drawings, text, and other objects that appear on the screen in a particular order. This is more inducive to explainer videos because it allows you to present an explainer video in an educational but captivating way.

How to Beat the Competition

Another important reason to use whiteboard videos is the fact that the competition is fierce. It is estimated that competition online has increased by 90% over the past few years. This is because so many companies have gone online, making it harder to compete with similar businesses than before.

When you create a whiteboard video, you are putting your brand in front of your target audience in a way that improves the level of engagement and understanding of your brand more than most other media.

Making sure your audience understands your brand and your brand philosophy is essential. Whiteboard animation videos help you explain this in a way that they can know through visual images. Because whiteboard animation shows the viewer the entire presentation from start to finish, there may be less of a bounce rate and people leaving your page before they are finished watching.

Forbes Magazine makes the point that having whiteboard videos to illustrate your brand, products, or services is a great move for the following reasons:

  • It is simple to do
  • Inexpensive compared to other types of ads
  • Science proves it’s effective
  • It can go viral more easily

“The Draw Shop” researcher, neuroscientist Carla Clark, who specializes in neuropsychology focused on the effects of various types of imagery on the brain. She stated that the more simple an object is the less effort the brain needs to have to process the image. She went on to say that people are more likely to relate to the image on a personal level which would appeal to the limbic aspect of the brain which is responsible for the processes one uses when purchasing many cases.

For example, which of these two signs do you see as being more effective? Results will vary based upon your individual thought process.

As you can see, there is real scientific evidence that whiteboard animation stands out when it comes to appealing to the mind and the way it works in the average viewer’s neurological network system. There is real scientific proof as well as when you see the results that whiteboard animations have toward an effective marketing campaign.

Appeal to Their Child Side

Another reason whiteboard animation works are that it is sort of like a fantasy or cartoon. Many people grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons, and they have a sentimental attachment to them. Who doesn’t remember their favorite cartoon character? They might be reminded of their childhood when they watch a particular animated character or a cartoon animation. For whatever reason, whiteboard animation is more effective than most other kinds of video, so it is worth looking into as an option.

Expense is Low

The whiteboard video animations, when compared to traditional video such as someone would have gotten done at a TV studio years ago, is substantially lower. Someone can make a whiteboard animation themselves in one afternoon or evening with the right software or tools. They’re all so many online sites which allow creators to produce an animated video at a fraction of the cost if I could have done before.

What whiteboard video can do for you

For the small business owner who wants to engage their audience at a higher level, close more sales and explain their processes, products, or services in a simple way that will appeal to even the most critical buyers, whiteboard animation is an excellent solution for you. You can stay within your budget quickly and easily by having a whiteboard animation created, and you can be as creative as you want by adding graphics, motion graphics, character animations, or other objects that can fly on the screen at certain times to engage your audience.

It’s also important to note that whiteboard videos have proven to be extremely effective throughout the world. simpleshow reports not only longer viewership and engagement on whiteboard style videos, but also that respondents with a perceived low knowledge level showed the strongest improvement in knowledge due to the video — which is key when trying to portray a message to an audience through social media or when content is being viewed on a mobile device.

Meeting Your Goals with Whiteboard

Obtaining new leads and customers that will be loyal to your brand is your focus if you’re a small-business owner. You must figure out how to stand out among an ever-increasing crowd of people who also have the same goals you do. Success is simple if you have a plan. It is the wise business owner who includes whiteboard animation videos as a part of their regular campaign plan and incorporates it into their entire marketing plan.

Tips to Getting Started with Whiteboard Animation

There are several things you need to focus on if you are working on setting up a whiteboard animation. First, don’t just do “one video.” The “one hit wonders” only work in the music world.

In business and online for the average eCommerce owner, you have to think in terms of how to captivate your most valuable audience and keep their attention long enough to move onto your “call to action.” Whiteboard animation helps you do this by taking the viewer through the entire sales pitch in an exciting way.

Follow these tips to get more out of your whiteboard video marketing videos:

  1. Have a clear message and goal that you wish to reach through your videos.
  2. Sketch out a sequence or write a script that you want to follow.
  3. Imagine yourself as the viewer. What would you want to see to make the message more clear?
  4. Make your call-to-action clear and focused on one primary action, such as “Click here to buy now.”

Planning is essential if you want your result to be what you envision it to be. So write down your plan, then research ways to create your whiteboard videos.

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