Why a Digital Workplace is Considered to Be the Future of Work

In today’s digital world, work is no longer a physical place that we go to. Work is now location-agnostic and it can happen anytime and anywhere as long as you have a device connected to the internet and access to your business data.

Every organization is now operating digitally, at least on some level, and by implementing digital workplaces, they are able to give more flexibility to their employees while improving efficiency.

With digital workplaces, organizations were able to see a 43 percent increase in revenue, a 53 percent increase in employee engagement, and a 67 percent increase in productivity.

What is a digital workplace?

A virtual replacement of the physical office space, a digital workplace is a complete set of digital tools that employees may need to manage their work responsibilities.

Organizations around the world use up to 16 SaaS applications on average. When these applications are not integrated properly, employees have to continuously go back and forth between the applications, which ends up wasting a lot of their time.

Digital workplaces provide a unified platform for employees to access all of the required business data and applications, leading to improved collaboration and efficiency in the organization. Implementing digital workplaces as part of the digital transformation strategy can help streamline business processes and organizational operations.

With a digital workplace platform, it is possible to:

  • Collaborate and communicate with team members even when they are working from different physical locations
  • Improve overall employee engagement
  • Integrate different business tools together
  • Incorporate agile work strategies
  • Automate repetitive tasks and allow employees to focus on more complex processes

Why digital workplaces are the future of work

Better employee engagement and experience

Organizations with engaged employees are able to pull in over 2.5 times more revenue, as compared to their competitors with low employee engagement.

If companies really want to achieve a higher bottomline and retain remarkable talent in the future, then they need to prioritise employee experience. After all, employees are the biggest asset of any organization. Without the right talent, no organization can get anywhere, even if they have the latest and most expensive technology. You need the right employees to be able to leverage technology in the right way.

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Digital workplace platforms are able to give employees a place to voice their opinions. It is a bottom up approach where business leaders can analyse how employees deal with work on an everyday basis and how the right tools can create a distraction free work environment for them.

Remote working

Over 99 percent of the employees state that they want to work remotely in their professional careers at least once. If that wasn’t enough, 90% of them actually want to work remotely for the rest of their careers.

Working remotely allows employees to have a better work-life balance since they no longer need to spend hours in traffic everyday and they are able to work according to their own schedule.

The future of work is remote and to attract and retain better talent, companies need to implement a digital workplace strategy in order to make sure that remote employees are able to work and collaborate together without losing their productivity levels.

More autonomy

A digital workplace creates a transparent work environment where employees, managers, and business leaders are able to track the status of every project and share their opinions. This creates an autonomous work environment where everyone knows their responsibilities and they are on the same page about what needs to be done. Teams are also able to cut down on meetings and focus more on their actual work.

Improved transparency

Digitizing business processes and provides employees a central access to all the business tools, applications, and data. It also allows business leaders to have better control and management over their organization.

There is a digital record of everything that you can refer to in case of any discrepancy or problem. With better transparency, there are also less chances of employees going rogue which in turn leads to tightened security, more accountability, and minimal file redundancy.

Prepare for the future

In order to embrace the changing nature of the workforce, provide better services to customers, get ahead of the competition, organizations need to change the way that their employees work, and that starts with digital workplace.

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