Why Going Viral Doesn’t Guarantee Social Media Success: Methods and Metrics You Need to Know

Your marketing team has an incredible campaign ready to publish. The social media posts are scheduled, landing pages are primed with engaging calls to action, and the other marketing collateral is prepared to play important, supporting roles. All these pieces must be in place before you launch the campaign, and the focal point of the campaign — a video, for example — must touch on certain emotions in order for this campaign to have the potential to go viral. When you tap into people’s sense of amazement, for example, you have a greater chance of them engaging with your content and sharing it with others.

Additionally, nearly half of Facebook users share posts in order to entertain others (stat shown below), while other reasons include making others feel a specific emotion or to educate their friends. While it may be hard to believe, it’s likely that the majority of viral content has a positive spin to it. However, as you consider more important facts in the infographic below, remember this key point: In order to have achieved success, you must do more than just go viral. You have to strategically execute your campaign. 

Look at other brands that have run effective social media campaigns for inspiration. The better prepared you are, the more likely you’ll achieve the results you desire.

Why Going Viral Doesn’t Guarantee Social Media Success: Methods and Metrics You Need to Know

Via Salesforce

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