Why Successful Blogging Is Like Building a House

I have a decent online presence in the blogging tips niche.

Some call me The King of Guest Posting.

Others call me The King of Blog Commenting.

I could care less; I just love helping folks as frequently as possible in as many places as possible.

Plus I am a happy dude, circling the globe as a full time digital nomad.

You can appear to be everywhere in your blogging niche without going crazy, working yourself to the bone. Trust me guys; I have enough time to watch Netflix daily, to do 1 hour of yoga and to exercise for 1 hour daily too.

Follow these tips to be all over your blogging niche without going batty.

1: Be Incredibly Generous

Lots of bloggers help 1 or 10 or 50 folks daily through publishing 1 piece of content. This is being a little generous.

Few bloggers create 4-6 pieces of content via:

  • their blog
  • YouTube
  • Facebook Live Broadcasts
  • guest posts

to help a bunch of folks. Which is why few bloggers appear everywhere in their niche. Few are incredibly generous.

Do not cease helping folks because your latest YouTube video got 1 view. Keep helping folks because it feels good.

Many of my YouTube videos have 2 to 10 views. But I help people generously across a zillion platforms. Plus I retired to a life of island hopping through smart, generous blogging. Plus I have been featured on these sites:

Nobody from Fox News, Entrepreneur or Richard Branson’s Virgin asked me my YouTube video views. They just saw me as a high profile individual in a gazillion places in my niche, helping folks.

Be generous. Then, be incredibly generous.

Help folks freely to be everywhere in your niche.

2: Guest Post on Respected Blogs in Your Niche

Honestly guys; I rarely note outcomes but being human, sometimes nudge myself based on numbers. Hey sue me.

Anyway, loading this blog into Feedly the other day, I noted Blogging Tips has 1,000 plus Feedly followers. More Feedly followers than I have on Blogging From Paradise. Time to post here again.

Guest post on top blogs in your niche. Expand your presence through leveraging. Help people on platforms bigger than your blogging platform. Be all over.

3: Promote Other Bloggers

I read a recent post from my friend Donna Merrill.

One blog comment, Retweet and Facebook Share later, our friendship grows deeper.

Donna retweets my posts, Facebook Shares my posts and invites me to guest post on her blog. She helps me be everywhere.

Ditto for my friend Alonzo Pichardo. We help each other be everywhere, promoting and endorsing each other, spreading the word.

Without my dear friends I would be nowhere. With them, I’m everywhere.

Help bloggers. Release expectations. Watch how quickly bonds form and how blogging buddies help you to be all over your blogging niche.

4: Stick to 1 or 2 Niches

You cannot be everywhere in 1 niche if you try to be everywhere in 10 niches.

I focus mainly on the blogging tips niche but delve into the travel blogging niche because many travel bloggers want to retire to a life of island hopping plus I have been featured as one of the top digital nomads on earth by Virgin, Forbes, Fox News and Entrepreneur.

Forget trying to gain broad appeal. Target. Specialize. Give your energy to 1 or 2 niches to be everywhere in each niche.

5: R and EW


Energy Work.

I rest for hours daily.

I sleep 8 hours daily.

I do 1 hour of deep yin yoga daily. I exercise for 1 hour daily.

Resting and doing energy work purges fears, raises your vibe to love and fun, makes you creative and prolific and gives you Energizer Bunny Drive. Perfect for being all over your blogging niche and for maintaining your sanity.

You can do it guys.

This journey gets uncomfortable sometimes but if you see it through you will be everywhere in your blogging niche. Without going crazy.

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