Why the Secret of Successful Blogging May Surprise You

Spend the next 5-7 years of your life helping people.

But first; learn blogging inside-out. Follow advice from a blogging mentor. Invest in a good blogging eBook. Invest in a blogging course.

BIG traffic numbers flow to:

  • persistent bloggers
  • generous bloggers
  • patient bloggers

Huge traffic numbers flow to bloggers after said bloggers rendered generous service for years. Short cuts do not exist in the blogging game.

24,000 Podcast Listens in 2 Days

My friend Alonzo Pichardo and I recorded a podcast on his channel.

We chatted about how to find the right online business for you.

This podcast has registered 24,000 listens in 2 days.

Listen to the podcast here.

How do you get 24,000 listens on your podcast over 2 days?

Spend 10 years of your life learning, serving and connecting.

Most bloggers never bother learning. Insane, right? Some learn but serve little, greedily wanting big money after publishing 2 blog posts. Other bloggers learn and serve but never network, building no friendships, struggling to drive traffic because no successful person does it solo.

There are a few bloggers like Alonzo and I who devote our lives to our blogs and businesses over a decade. No; not for a week. Nope; not for a month, or for 1 year, or 5 years. A decade. 10 years.

Alonzo built a huge following over that time by helping people. I built a decent-sized following over a decade too.

Alonzo and I built up the:

  • knowledge
  • confidence
  • skills

to be able to chat on blogging and internet marketing topics with ease over 30-60 minutes. 24,000 people or thousands of people registering 24,000 listens would not show up, listen and share this podcast if we did not have some serious skills and knowledge in discussing this topic.

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These skills were developed over 10 years. We built our tribes over 10 years.

If you want huge blog traffic numbers you simply:

  • learn how to blog from pros
  • practice writing
  • create helpful content
  • build meaningful connections

for 6-7 days weekly, over the next 5-7 to 10 years of your life. Big numbers reflect generous, intelligent, persistent, focused efforts. Small numbers reflect stingy, unintelligent, impatient, unclear efforts.

Show Up Even When You Do Not Feel Like It

I recorded a video on Facebook today.

I discussed a core concept that leads to huge traffic numbers over the long haul.

You can watch the video here.

Successful bloggers who drive serious traffic show up daily. Even if their traffic numbers seem non-existent in the beginning, this crowd believes in themselves, generously helps people and keeps serving every day over years of their lives.

Struggling bloggers show up only a few times weekly or monthly because they publish posts and network only when they feel 100%. I am a happy dude. But I rarely feel 100%. No human does. My neck feels stiff. I feel tired. But I already created 6 pieces of content today at 3:07 PM. After I publish this blog post I will have created piece of content #7.

I direct all readers back to Blogging From Paradise through those 7 pieces of content. Can you see why I drive some pretty heady traffic numbers to my blog? I create and connect freely on a daily basis. Even when I do not feel like it.

If you want to help a bunch of folks and dream of big traffic numbers, begin helping people now. Do not worry about stats. Do not sweat outcomes. Help people by publishing posts to your blog. Promote other bloggers. Comment genuinely on blogs in your niche.

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Help people daily for years. Do not stop helping when numbers do not seem to be rising. Do not panic. Believe in you.

See these mini lulls through. You too will drive big traffic to your blog.

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