Why you Must Consider Newswire Distribution in 2019

Newswire stands as one of the popular options when it comes to PR distribution in the market today. It offers a comprehensive range of PR and marketing services under its hood plus it excels in customer support.

Newswire’s Wire Distribution

The advent of social media has changed how people communicate. Online entrepreneurs have taken advantage of these social platforms by incorporating press releases to reach a new audience.

Today, small and big businesses use social platforms as part of their public relations and marketing campaigns. PR has become almost synonymous with social media marketing.

The integration of PR and social media marketing forms a solid foundation to develop brand awareness. It strengthens marketing campaigns. Previously, brands have to contact journalists directly with the hope of landing media coverage.

After the introduction of social media, releases have changed the course of PR:

  • Releases are now key to search engine optimization (SEO) that help companies in expanding their awareness and visibility.
  • Releases have become tools in delivering brand messages to their target audience.
  • Companies can now be found online. Brand assets have become more accessible and easily searchable.

Paid press release distribution services like Newswire helps utilize social media as an instrument to promote businesses and go forward with their marketing plans.

With the use of releases, distribution platforms have helped achieve the following:

  • Powering up the brand’s image.

It has become more than ever to publish and distribute content via wire services. Businesses can choose how often they want to distribute content. The more releases they publish, the more brands can improve their image.

  • Announcing a new product or service.

Publishing releases through a distribution service like Newswire can reach new places and locations that were previously impossible to reach. Your news becomes visible on social media channels and search engines. You can reach a wider market of journalists, audiences as well as investors.

  • Multimedia assets help drive interest.

Today, releases are not anymore a full-text content. It is now crafted with images and videos that increase your online visibility. It drives interest to your story and brand.

  • Wire services make worldwide distribution possible.

Earlier, releases only land on emails of journalists or tables. But now, with distribution platforms, news can now reach different boundaries. News is distributed to people around the world with a single click.

  • News can easily become viral.

Online press distribution makes it possible for news to become viral. When releases are newsworthy, it can be easily shared on social media. The more shares and engagement, the easier for it to become viral.

  • It boosts brand awareness.

Distributing releases makes it easy for brands to promote what they are and what they do.

  • It promotes accessibility to the news.

Previously, news can only be accessed through traditional media- newspapers, televisions, and radios. Today, people can access news on social media on their devices.

Releases that are optimized for search engines are now more visible on the internet. Using distribution platforms give you an edge over your competitors to stay on top of the loop, especially if they aren’t distributing releases.

Features of Newswire PR Distribution:

  • Your news gets published to hundreds of major media outlets.

Newswire has a network of reputable media outlets to distribute your news. If you use its distribution, your news can be seen on Yahoo News, Google, The Business Journals, FOX, MarketWatch, Digital Journal, and more.

  • You can opt for local or regional distribution.

Instead of going big in the beginning, why not target local reporters and network affiliates in your location or choose multiple states to target a wider audience? Write a  release with a local angle that helps you penetrate a relevant market.

  • State press release distribution.
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You can opt to target a wider market by targeting a particular state. This feature offers the inclusion of your news in the Associated Press and Reuters.

  • National press release distribution.

If you want to promote your news at the national level, you can opt to target the national journalists and editors. Your news can reach the Associated Press, national US1 coverage, and Reuters.

  • International press release distribution.

Newswire has partnered with global media to promote your news to more than 163 countries. It provides support for translation and language services in Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Latin America, and the rest of the world.

Pricing and Plans:

Single Distribution Plans

Price$119$359$699$1, 199
Premium Distribution 250+ media outlets
PR Newswire 1, 000 media outlets 
Google News
Business Journals Network 
Associated Press  
Up t 4 images
1 video
Up to 6 hyperlinks
Industry list
Additional files
Auto-post on Twitter and FB
Share PR preview
Publish notification via email
2-tier editorial process 
Traditional reach  
National Reach  
One featured image with PR Newswire Add-onAdd-on
Expedited release processing  
Detailed analytics report
PR Newswire visibility report 

Monthly Distribution Plans

Price$199/ month$349/ month$749/ month
Premium PRs2415
Discount on wire services10%15%20%
Optional Extended Distribution
Google News inclusion
Industry List111
Add Hyperlinks, Images, and Video
Targeted Auto Campaign to Industry Publications
Detailed Analytics Report
Number of newsrooms125
Press Releases Included Automatically
PR Contacts
Social Media Integration and Curation
Supports Multimedia
Press Kit
Event Calendar
Custom URL×
Number of Saved Contacts4008003, 000
Included Messages4008003, 000
Campaign Analytics
Powerful filtering options
Full contact profile××
Data export feature××
Import your own media list
View recent articles××
Campaign scheduling


Number of Saved Alerts4820
Sentiment Analysis
Real-Time Tracking××
Access to Newswire Article Archive
Data partnership with LexisNexis
SMS text notification, email
News clipping feature
Discover Top Influencers


Communicate with Influencers
Campaign Analytics
Campaign Management
Account Coordinator××
Schedule campaigns

Annual Distribution Plans

Price$179/ month$314/ month$674/ month
Premium PRs2415
Discount on wire services10%15%20%
Google News inclusion
Optional Extended Distribution
Industry List111
Add Hyperlinks, Images, and Video
Targeted Auto Campaign to Industry Publications
Detailed Analytics Report
Number of newsrooms125
Press Releases Included Automatically
PR Contacts
Social Media Integration and Curation
Supports Multimedia
Press Kit
Event Calendar
Custom URL×
Number of Saved Contacts4008003, 000
Included Messages4008003, 000
Campaign Analytics
Powerful filtering options
Full contact profile××
Data export feature××
Import your own media list
View recent articles××
Campaign scheduling


Number of Saved Alerts4820
Sentiment Analysis
Real-Time Tracking××
Access to Newswire Article Archive
Data partnership with LexisNexis
SMS text notification, email
News clipping feature
Discover Top Influencers


Communicate with Influencers
Campaign Analytics
Campaign Management
Account Coordinator××
Schedule campaigns
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Why choose Newswire over other press release distribution services?

Newswire has reached its position as one of the reputable press release distribution channels due to the following unique features and services:

  • It is rated the best in value by clients.

Present and previous clients praise Newswire for the value it brings to its clients. It continuously seeks improvements to provide their clients with the best value at the most competitive price.

  • The best in customer service.

Ask anyone and they will tell you that of all the paid distribution services, Newswire excels in customer service. It’s proven in the awards given to them. They always strive to offer the best by prioritizing the needs of their clients.

  • Press releases are embedded with multimedia assets.

Quality content is not only text. It is integrated with visuals like images and videos. If you choose premium plans, these features help strengthen your brand’s branding.

  • It offers a competitive price in the market.

If you’re going to check the pricing of distribution channels in the market, Newswire has the widest plans and offerings that are priced competitively.

  • It offers a quick editorial process.

Newswire provides a multi-tiered review process to ensure that releases pass the standards and editorial guidelines. The editing process is one of the fastest in the market.

  • It mastered the PR campaigns.

With more than 30 years of experience, it has perfected and continue to develop processes to provide successful PR campaigns.

  • It has powerful partners in the industry.

It has collaborated with the best-in-class experts and industry leaders to bring exclusive access to major media platforms.

More than ever, Newswire always prioritizes its clients. They research and apply the most relevant solutions that can help all types of businesses. To prove this, they have customization plans if clients don’t see any package fitted to their requirements. 

It continues to develop new PR strategies and innovations to streamline the process. Integrating modern approach and great customer service, the paid wire service can go a long way in helping small and big brands.

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