Why You Need to Believe in Yourself to Build a Successful Blog

Belief in self precedes blogging success.

Right now I am fixing my blog. Or my hosting company and developer are fixing my blog.

If I did not believe in me I would go nuts now. I would have went bonkers over the past 3 days.

Some readers access my blog just fine. Other readers have issues with the site rendering properly.

Believing in myself – over my blog or anything or person outside of me – helps me calmly, confidently and coolly carry on despite changes in the world around me.

Bloggers often struggle because most bloggers do not believe in themselves.

Bloggers tend to believe:

  • the opinions of negative people who try to dissuade them from blogging
  • fully in their email list, in their blog itself or in a technique/strategy/tip, before they believe in themselves

You need to believe in you and trust yourself 100 times or 1000 times more than you believe in people or things outside of you because the world around you is fluid, changing and in flux while your belief, intent and purpose can remain rock solid.

But the way to make the belief, intent and purpose rock solid and constant is to understand why you need to believe in you to build a successful blog.


Watch this video chat between my friend Alonzo Pichardo and I.

We discuss how to believe in yourself and your online business:

How to Believe in Your Business and Yourself

Blogging Head Trash

Newbie bloggers mean well but tend to jump into the blogging game filled with head trash, baggage, or limiting beliefs.

I regularly get emails from bloggers who trust in their past struggles, prior failures and terribly limiting, fear-based beliefs passed on to them from scared, frightened, timid people.

I recall people telling me “I needed to get a real job to pay the bills” many years ago versus building a blogging business.

The frightened, scared people live in Survival Mode, life’s greatest tragedy. Said crowd believes not in themselves but does believe in devoting your precious human existence to putting food on the table, a roof over your head and paying bills, believing this is the purpose of life.

Since I believed in me over their fear-based views I carried on.

But I faced obstacles regularly. I slammed into resistance. I needed to believe in me more than anything or anyone outside of me to succeed because most people’s minds are dominated by fears, lack, limitation, and said minds attempt to project their fears on you via fear-based feedback. Like the feedback I received above.

Blogging Stuff

Blogs crash.

Pages do not render for certain readers based on ID addresses.

The white screen of death strickens blogs.

In these moments your belief in self and trust in self pulls you through.

But without belief in self you panic, complain, worry or become paralyzed.

Feeling these fears indicates you believe more in a blog than you which is silly. But you need to own the fear to release the fear.

Practical Tips

  • spend time meditating, in deep thought, in prayer or following some ritual involving pulling back from your worldly life, daily; doing inner work expands your awareness to help you observe your lack of belief in self
  • trust your gut; if you feel intuitive nudges to do something fun, freeing but scary….do it! Greater belief in hunches grows as does your intuitive magnet, meaning you trust the perfect force in you more freely and ignore fear-based, ego whining (unhappy people live through ego; happy people live through intuition)
  • surround yourself only with happy, successful bloggers who believe in self; sponge up their inspiration
  • never discuss your dreams with people save the happiest, uplifting successes of the world; avoid negative criticism and terrible advice from people who do not believe in themselves

Do you believe in yourself as a blogger?

How do you cultivate self-belief?


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