Why you need to boost your Conversion Rate Optimization

Whether you’re new to Conversion Rate Optimization or a seasoned pro, you need a solid CRO programme to take your digital marketing career to the next level

Done a lot of split or multivariate tests, or various other CRO activities, but not achieving the quantum conversion lifts you’d hoped for? If so, you need to read SmartInsights’ new and improved Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Programme Briefing!  

While still providing foundational advice on these topics:

  • Creating a data driven organization
  • Estimating the ROI of your CRO projects
  • Using the latest and greatest customer research tools
  • Incorporating both big tests and smaller optimizations into your systematic testing

Our updated CRO Briefing covers these new topics that will amplify the results you get from your CRO efforts:

  • Selling CRO as part of a broader digital marketing strategy
  • Adding a strategic dimension to your CRO process
  • Identifying your bigger conversion issues and how to address them
  • Assessing and improving your marketing technology stack
  • Getting to know best-of-class dynamic personalization tools

We also highlight the latest findings from neuroscience research, because conversion design is as much intent and behavior based as it is brain centered. Recent work by Nobel prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman, as popularized in a book by Phil Barden, tells you how your visitors’ brains perceive information on an unconscious level, which in turn allows you to craft higher-converting content, graphics and offers.

Tools like brain scan, eye tracking, and skin response equipment that used to be too costly and cumbersome to set up just ten years ago can now be had for a fraction of the cost. And these studies tell you exactly what your visitors are seeing and feeling, not just what they’re thinking.

What’s more, the CRO Programme Briefing covers these Big 3 ‘conversion killers’ and how to address them:

  • Not capturing enough leads and nurturing them
  • Poor prospect communication and connection
  • Lacking mechanism to support human Q&A

All the prior content and updates in the Briefing are intended to give you the data you need – both conversion and return on investment (ROI) related – to make the best, ‘most likely to win’ operational decisions. Because we know that becoming a successful CRO leader is about more than just executing your daily tactical projects; it’s about selling your hypotheses and strategic plans.

Bottom line: We at SmartInsights are confident that this guide will inspire you to think more broadly as you formulate and execute your strategic CRO and digital marketing initiatives in parallel with your smaller-scale tactical tests. And we look forward to hearing your success stories.

So go forth fully briefed, and happy optimizing!

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