Win a Scholarship to MarketingProfs Marketing Writing Bootcamp : MarketingProfs Article

Have you been looking to hone your writing skills? Add more punch to your presentations? More oomph to your email copy?

We’ve got just the thing! Marketing Writing Bootcamp is MarketingProfs’ newest online event, starting on July 12. Nearly eight (8!) hours of instructional content guaranteed to make you a better writer.

Improving your writing skills could transform your career—and possibly your life.

And you’ve got a chance to attend the whole thing for absolutely nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. On the house. Gratis.

How? For your chance to win a scholarship to Marketing Writing Bootcamp, simply tell us about us about how attending these learning sessions might change your life.

How do you enter?

  1. Write a blog post or article explaining how attending Marketing Writing Bootcamp will change your life (be specific!) and publish it in a place where we (and other contestants) can view it. The easiest option: a Facebook post.
  2. Make sure that your entry is at least 300 words and at most 1,000 words.
  3. After publishing it, post a comment on this article (below) by July 9 with a link to your entry.

All entries must be submitted by July 9, at midnight, ET. The winner will be announced on July 11.

A quick but important note: This contest isn’t about the quality or technical acumen of your writing: We’re not looking for perfect prose or grammatical excellence. (Heck, why attend if you’re that good already?) What we care about is your sincerity. Your passion. Your desire to learn. If you believe, like we do, that learning has the power to change lives, then just tell us how your work and your life could change if you had better writing skills.

More About Marketing Writing Bootcamp: 13 sessions (7.5 hours of instruction) to help you do everything from creating high-converting copy, to injecting humor into your copy, to refining your writing flow and writing content that people care about.

It all kicks off on July 12 with a live keynote from best-selling author Ann Handley, and it continues with two more live keynotes, on July 19 and 26. All 13 sessions will be available to you on-demand until June 29, 2019. Learn more about each of the sessions here.

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