Wireless charging for MacBook: How convenient!

Wireless charging is great: no need to connect the cables and pull them when on the run. How would it be if the MacBooks could also charge wireless? That would be part of the holy grail of innovation which Apple has not touched in a long time. If the company could make this true, it will change the course of history in computing.

However, it’s important to note that while wireless charging is great, it has not yet become the first preferred choice. The ecosystem around wireless charging has not grown at the same pace as to what was expected. We will reach a point in the future where there will be no wires but we are looking at something that is probably around fifty years in the future.

Is wireless charging industry ready?

So should Apple introduce wireless charging for its laptop when the ecosystem is not even ready? Yes, in my opinion, as Apple’s implementation of new technologies have almost every single time pushed the industry towards making it a standard. If Apple could introduce wireless charging on its MacBooks, then we could see a major shift in the industry with other laptop makers also pushing for the same technology.

Wireless charging for MacBook: How convenient! 2

Another important point to remember is that Apple may not always be the first to the game but when it does enter the ring, it does it with a product that is miles better than what was in the industry. In 2017, Dell became the first company to introduce a laptop with support for wireless charging. The laptop by Dell made headlines but people soon forgot about it whereas if Apple had done it, the revolution would have already begun.

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Apple killed the most loved MagSafe connector by moving to USB-C charging mechanism. It was a move which broke most people’s heart. Will Apple mend its relations by introducing much more simpler and hopefully a fast charging method?

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