Work on Your Business Instead of in It With Automated Marketing and CRM

If you’re a small business owner, you should aim to work on your business instead of in it. What does this mean? Working in your business means you’re up to your elbows in the everyday mundane tasks of keeping your business running. In other words, too much of your time is spent on the details rather than on the big picture. Devoting too little time on top-level business issues leaves your company rudderless and uncompetitive. Avoiding this requires delegating low-level tasks to others.

However, it doesn’t end there. You also don’t want your higher level employees, such as those in marketing and sales, mired in the tedious repetitive tasks associated with their jobs. You want your marketers efficiently planning and executing marketing campaigns that bring in leads, and your sales people to convert more of these leads into customers. In addition, you want these customers to become loyal to your brand. When you break all these goals down into the necessary tasks for execution, it can become overwhelming for both your marketing and sales people.

What makes this especially difficult is that your competitors are using a high degree of personalization in their marketing and sales, which means you must do the same to compete. While personalization makes sense in theory and produces great results in practice, it can be a hugely labor intensive and complex undertaking. How can your marketing and sales people achieve this without getting swamped in work? By using technology.

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Automated marketing and CRM software makes personalized marketing and sales possible without overworking your employees or hiring on additional help. One application allows you to create and track personalized email marketing, social media campaigns, and landing page building and testing.

The software runs much of these activities in the background and sends you alerts or reminders when your input is required. Keeping track of these activities plus the behaviors of your current customers can get hugely complex as their numbers grow, but this is what software does best.

If you want to use our software to out-compete other businesses by working on your business instead getting of buried in it, contact us.

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