You don’t need to do special SEO for dark mode on your website

We have seen that the trends keep on changing in the SEO industry. We earlier saw that not much emphasis was laid on how the website looks and feels but how it operates it. Now, all the factors are taken into account and if your website works great but it is old then people are less likely to visit or spend time on it. For this reason, Google will also rank you lower based on the public’s interest for that website. From this year, we have seen a new trend in the industry which is “dark mode everything”.

Basically, this trend of having a dark mode on apps was seen from last year but this year, it has come to Android, iOS and macOS which means it has now gone mainstream. Dark mode, for those of you who don’t know, is a way to preserve your battery on AMOLED displays as well as make the eyes burn out less in low-light conditions. Therefore, people have started to use Dark Mode in apps, operating systems and even websites. So you need to have a toggle to switch between dark mode and light mode on your website. You can also set the dark mode as default on your website if you wish so.

This will make your website look fresh and help people save battery in the process as well. Therefore, it is more likely that visitors will come to your website and spend more time. However, it is confirmed that you don’t need to do any special SEO tweaks if you have a dark mode on the website. While this was obvious, it is still good to get clarification from Google’s John Mueller. However, he also jokes that it might become a ranking factor later.

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