You Got Your Blogging Ps Down Pat?

Blogging is weird.

Starting a blog is easy. Pull out your credit card. Buy a domain and hosting. Write and publish your first blog post.

Easy, right?

Wait for millions to flow in. After you publish your first blog post.

Must be easy money, right?

I mean, starting a blog was really easy. Logic dictates publishing posts, plastering Adsense on your sidebar and collecting cold, hard cash must be easy peasy too, right?


This is exactly why most bloggers struggle horribly for months or years or hell, for decades. I know of bloggers who I met 10 years ago as a newbie who struggle to this very day. Said bloggers never accept the idea I discussed via a Facebook Live Broadcast:

I am talking the 2 P’s, guys: Patient Practice.

3:13 PM on a Thursday afternoon now. I have been working since 8 AM. I did take a few breaks for yoga and eating, and a 20 minute nap. Otherwise, all blogging, all practice, all the time.

Every minute I spent writing a post or recording a video is content creating practice.

Every minute I spent commenting on a blog or promoting another blogger is networking practice.

I have racked up tens of thousands of hours of blogging practice over the past decade. Can you see why I have experienced some neat blogging success?

Blogging is a skill. If you patiently practice blogging for years, by practicing your writing, and your content creating, and your networking, you will become super successful in your blogging niche.

But if you think blogging is buying a domain and hosting, and publishing a few posts, you are doomed to fail because you did not practice much, at all.

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Practicing blogging is not highly difficult. Bench pressing 500 pounds is difficult if you only bench pressed a tooth pick with Life Savers affixed to each end.

Practicing blogging is highly uncomfortable at times. Especially before you see a cent through your blog.

I could take the afternoon off to watch Netflix right now because I practiced blogging for tens of thousands of hours, highly developing my skills, planting content seeds all over my niche. But I practice writing – through this guest post – because even though it feels a bit uncomfortable, I have fun writing and enjoy helping you with your blog.

But if you have not made a cent from blogging you may say, “Why bother practicing blogging? I have not made a cent yet. Plus nobody will read my blog, anyway,” and you decide to skip blogging practice. Losers think this way. Bloggers fearing loss. Naturally, said bloggers never practice much and fade away into obscurity.

Meanwhile, bloggers who patiently practice make waves in their niche eventually. Maybe after 6 months of blogging patient practice, a blogger begins to make a name for themselves. Perhaps 1 year of patient practice helps a blogger pop up on the radar screen of some big dawg bloggers. Maybe 2 years of patient practice yields a full time income.

You cannot become an overnight blogging success because no human being has ever mastered the art of blogging in 8 hours.

You will become a successful blogger if you patiently practice blogging every day, persistently.

I am not particularly talented or gifted. But I out practice virtually ever well known blogger on earth. Naturally, more folks discover me and Blogging From Paradise daily because I patiently practice blogging 7 days a week for hours and hours daily.

READ ALSO  Create and Get Started Blogging Online Part 11 – Generating Content Ideas

I love what I do. But patiently practicing blogging still feels uncomfortable at times.

Price to pay for my freedom and it’ll be the same for you.

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